Chapter 2 The Interveiw

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It is interview day at the orphanage "Hey loser" Clara said while holding up an L above her forehead. "Leave me alone Clara" You replied. "Oh is the baby sad... Too bad" Clara said while making a fake pouty face. Then on the intercom came on and said, " Interviews start in 2 hours". You walk back to your room and check Instagram and YouTube, Markiplier posts that he will be going to adopt a child. "Hope he comes to my adoption center," You think.
~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~
        "Y/n come down here please, interviews are starting" The caretaker told you. (Forgot her name!!😐)
"Yes, ma'am" You replied then went downstairs
      20 Minutes Later
It was time for your interview and when you walked in you saw Markiplier sitting in a chair. "Come sit down and let's start the interview" He said. "Ok" Was all you could say cause you were in shock, that your human idol was sitting right in front of you.

Conversation. M-Markiplier. Y-You

M-What's your name?
M-No need to be shy. But anyway do you have any pets or siblings? use to have two brothers...t-they died.
M-Oh I am sorry to hear that. But what's your favorite color
M-Ok, well thanks for taking time to talk to me.
Y-Your welcome.
      "Well that is all the time we have. Y/n can you please go back to your room." "Yes, ma'am." You said then head back to your room.
                      Mark's POV
"So do you know who you want to adopt, Mr. Mark?" "Yes!" I said with a bit of excitement "The child I would like to adopt is....Y/n" I told the care taker. "Ok fill out the paperwork then I will go tell her and then you can pick her and her stuff up tomorrow." The caretaker said then went upstairs.
                     Your POV
I heard the caretaker walk upstairs and then knock on my door. I answered the door and the caretaker said, "You're getting adopted!! Go pack your stuff and then you can go to your new home tomorrow." She says then you hug her and say, "Thank you for everything" You tell her, "Your welcome" she replies.

That's a chapter 2 for ya. And I am writing this at one of my mom's friends house. I am very antisocial.   Well Bai!! :3

410 Words

That One Question {Adopted By Markiplier} (((DISCONTINUED)))Where stories live. Discover now