how they meet zeldris x Hannah

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(Hello again lovely to see you all this was a request from a HannahSchroeder1 thank you for the idea and the charcter this is the second request from you so thanks for that to so with no further ado the story hopeful it is what you want)

It was the end of the day the sky was a beautiful purple and red all mixed to gather and we are just her goofing off ban was drunk as usual me and howzer were teasing gilthunder about margert and meliodas was talking to Elizabeth. "Oh I want to be best man" I say laughing as gil face gets darker "I can wear a dress that's got like a white top and the skirt is black and I can wear a bow tie or one of those flower thing that go around the neck and a black jacket oh or a vest what you say" I smile at him we have been good friends for awhile so if he does have a wedding I want to be in it. "You may not be best man but that outfit sound pretty so if we do which I'm not saying we will you should wear something like that ok" gil says taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey Hannah have a drink"meliodas says already pouring one " no thank I think at least one of us has to stay sober don't you" I say/ask. "Not re-"he was cut off with a loud explosion gilthunder protcected me from debris "gil you ok your not hurt are you I would of been fine" I say freaking out a bit. "Im fine thank you for asking how are you" he look over me for any injures "in fine thanks to you" I say smiling at him "everyone ok" meliodas yells. "Well if there are they won't be for long" a voice booms across the area. I already have my hand on my sword when I was grabbed from behind "not a good idea if you ask me" king says "but we need to-" I begun but he cut me off "I know but its just those two and something is giving me a bad feeling meliodas said to protect you so that what I'm doing just stand behind me" he explain his voice was soothing it was calm despite the problem at hand.

(I'm kinda just gonna skip the fight stuff because I suck at fight thing and I'm lazy so boom woosh explosion"

When I came to I was and a big room it looked like a castle bedroom but that not what had my attention what did was the pain in my side and the back of my head. "Your probaly going to be sore for a few days but don't worry no real damage was done to you just a cut here and there some bruises nothing bad" a voice says from the doorway "who's there show your self" I yell trying to hide the axneity in my voice but even I hear how it wavers. "Calm down if I was going to kill you I would have don't you think" it says I can tell it was male "and how can I trust you random dude who kidnapped me" I say glaring at the dark spot in the general direction of the voice "understandable I guess" "you GUESS what the heck does that even mean what the h*ll does that mean" I yell at him "I do apologize about this but do calm down" he say as he comes out craps he's hot "I hate you" I growl glaring hiding the blush that found it way on my cheeks "that makes sense I suppose" he says. How long does he plan to keep me trapped is he going to kill me going to use me as bait what how long will he wait to do something.

(Hello my lovely readers the word count is 655 words so yeah I hope this was good I haven't been feeling well so HannahSchroeder1 I hope this is what you wanted again sorry if it wasn't please tell me if you want me to try again okay that is it for now so bye bye) - cassie

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