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Those were ones of the many reason why Midoriya Izuku decided to end his life.
One day, after being treated like a dog and bullied again for having no quirk, Midoriya thought that the day had finally come.

"Just go jump off a fucking roof. Maybe you'll have a quirk in your next life, you quirk-less idiot." Had said his blond friend, Kacchan. Midoriya couldn't have counted all the times Bakugo had said something mean, he was doing it everyday after all, but this time. For some reason. It really affected him. He thought for himself, that yes, this could be the solution.

He came back home, cleaned his room and said goodbye to his mother.

"I'm going to go walk a little bit...I love you." Midoriya said looking into his mother eyes, while already opening the door.

"Be back before dark! Love you." She simply said, without stoping what she was doing.

"Yeah...Goodbye." Midoriya simply added, closing the door behind him.

He indeed walked a lot, thinking about what could happen after what he was about to do. Also thinking about kacchan, the students in his class. His mother....
But there was no turn back now. That's when he saw a particular building, high enough to kill but not high enough to do a lot of...mess afterwards.

There was some metal stairs on the side of the building. He climbed them, never even looking back. He was finally on the roof, the wind was blowing in his hair and the sun was going down. He walked to the end of the roof, passed over the little security fence and looked down. His heart began to beat. Beat fast. But he suddenly calmed himself down...

"That's what I want...It's for the better..." He said to himself.

He was about to let himself fall when he heard someone shouting:
" Wait! Don't do what you're about to do."

Izuku turned his head to find out that a guy was coming his way.

"Don't come any closer! It's my choice! If you come closer, I'll jump right now!" Izuku screamed.

The boy that was coming his way, suddenly stopped walking. Izuku could now see him better, his hair were half red and half white. He had a...Burning scar on one side of his face. He didn't seem to show any expression.

"Just listen to me, then." Said the boy. " My name is Todoroki shouto. I know how you feel. I know that what you want to do seem to be the only solution..."

"It is the only solution. I'm tired of this life. I'm tired of this world!" Shouted back Midoriya.

"Of course you are! Life was never meant to be easy for anyone! Do you really think everyones happy and whiling to live? Do you really think everyone except you is happy? What about your parents? Do you even imagine the pain they'll feel when you'll leave them?" Said the boy trying slowly to come closer.

For the first time, Midoriya had an hesitation. He looked into the distance. The sun was going down, giving an amazing view to the city. He thought about how his mother would have to deal with the police officers coming to her door and explaining her that his son had killed himself. Thinking about how sad his mother would be. How sad she would be everyday.

Todoroki profited of that one moment of inattention to run and grab Midoriya by his shirt to bring him back on the other side of the fence.

"No! Leave me alone!" Screamed Midoriya, trying to resist. But the other boy was too strong and had already managed to pass him over the tiny fence. " It's hard for me enough to do this! Don't make it harder for me!" Screamed Midoriya again, tears in his eyes.

"Dying his easy, young man! Living is harder!" Shouted back Todoroki, holding Midoriya in his arms to make him stop moving. When Izuku had stopped resisting, he softly added: " I understand you...I totally understand you."

Midoriya started crying silently, tying to hold up his tears.

"If you need a friend, I'll be that friend. If you need someone to talk to, talk to me. If you need someone to hold your life to, I'll be this person. But please don't do the biggest mistake or your life." Todoroki said, looking into Midoriya's eyes, a serious look on his face.

" I...I...." Midoriya couldn't hold his tears anymore, he started crying vigorously, letting all his pain out.

"It's fine...You're fine....I promise. I'm here for you now." Todoroki said gently trying to comfort the boy the best that he could. " Let's go home now..." He said holding Izuku's hand.


First one shot ever ahhhhhh. Hope u guys liked it (ω)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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