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I've been in California for about a month and a half now, and my bed just keeps getting more comfortable. RING! I was awoken by my cell phone ringing. "Hello?" I answer in my morning voice.

"Hey! It's me!" said Cameron.

"Oh, hey Cam." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" he asked feeling guilty.

"Ya, but that's ok. I like talking to you." I said, feeling flirty.

"Awe! Well you do know it's almost noon, right?" he asked.

"That's morning! What's up?" I asked. 

"Well I was wondering what you were doing today." he replied.

"Depends... what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"A Nikki Minaj concert." he replied. 

Uh, no. I HATE her. "Sorry Cameron *fake cough* I'm sick" I say trying to get out of it.

He laughed then said, "Kidding! I know you hate her! I hoping you could come over later. I'll make us some lunch. The family went out of town and I'm bored." he explained.

"Sure! 12:30 sound ok?" I ask. "Perfect. See ya then!" he said, hanging up. I took a quick shower and changed into jean shorts. Then, I put on my green tank top that has a music note on it. I braided my hair, then out on light make-up. Cam hated it when I wore make-up. He's too sweet.

I got to the garage when I got a text, "Can you get a pineapple? ;) -Cam" I roll my eyes as I get on my ride. I ride my mo-ped to the market, not even bothering to tell my parents. They're never home anyways. I pull up to his house and went up to the door. Cameron answered when I knocked and greeted me with a hug.

"I was told to bring a pineapple?" I question.

"Yes! I'm making us pizza bagels, and I know you like pineapple on your pizza." he said. Awe!

"Thanks! But we're going to have a lot of extra pineapple!" I said.

"Well, I guess you'll have to stay over longer and eat it with me!" he said I laughed at him as I grabbed a knife and started to cut the pineapple.

"KATIE!" screamed Cameron.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, panicking.

"I'M making us lunch, not you." Cameron said pulling the knife out of my hand. I blushed and thanked him. He grabbed my waist and picked me up, to place me on the counter top behind him. I watched as he carefully sliced the pineapple into thin pieces. When he was done with the knife, he took the sauce and started to spread it on the bagels. I waited for the right moment before I kicked him in the back, sending him straight into the sauce. He slowly turned around with his mouth wide open. He had sauce all over him!

"You're gonna pay for that!" he said, starting to chase me. I quickly spin around and hop off the other side of the countertop. I run into his living room as he flicks a spoonful of sauce at me.

"This. Means. WAR!" I say running towards him.

I grabbed the flour and threw a fistful at Cameron. Then, he threw a whole bunch of cheese at me. In return, I smeared butter in his face. Just then, Cameron got an egg out from the fridge and gave me the evil eye. "Don't you dare" I said. He stepped toward me and I tried to run away, but he gripped onto my arm. I tried to squirm out of his grip, but before I could he smashed the egg right on top my my head! "CAMERON ALEXANDER!" I screamed.

"Awe, did I make you mad, Princess?" he asked. Princess? I shook it off, and gave him a dirty look. I just stood there, as still as a statue. He came to me and gave me a hug. This hug wasn't like any other one, this was genuine. "Better?" he asked.

"Little bit, but I still have egg in my hair!" I say. He grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to his room.

"I only got your face and shirt dirty, all of me is dirty!" I laughed.

"Sorry! You started it!" he said taking his shirt off. Wow. His body, was, wow. He had a 6-pack and all. He grabbed some clothes and handed them to me, "Shower is right there, I'll be downstairs cleaning our war!" he said before putting on a different shirt. Darn it. 

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