Wolf Moon

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My teeth are clattering together. It's extremely cold and I rather be sleeping in my own bed than be out here on the lacrosse field. I tighten the blanket around me as I watch my dad set up the field for tryouts after school.

"Are you almost done, dad?" I groan out pathetically.

"Almost, princess." He says back.

He steps back, hands at his waist and a big smile on his face as he looks at the scene in front of him. "How's it looking, princess?"

I blink. Once. Twice. "Uh...it's really great, dad."

My dad nods. "Thought so. Bobby Finstock, this year is gonna be a great one."

Yes, my father is the one and only Bobby Finstock. Coach and teacher of Beacon Hills High School. We live together in a pretty cozy home that's a bit isolated from the rest of the town. It's not in the middle of the woods, we just don't really have any neighbors near. I had a mom once, but she took off when I was around five. Leaving my dad with the job of raising me on his own. At this point in life I really could care less if my mom showed back up, we were doing fine without her.

On the upside, it meant that the relationship I had with my dad was strong. And apparently, he thought it was a crime to let me sleep in for a few more hours. Thanks dad. Instead of sleeping in and getting a ride from my best friend Lydia, dad wanted to take me to school himself. I didn't mind, especially since he promised me a free meal after this.

"Alright, princess! Let's go get you some coffee in your system, you addict." I let out a yip and ran to the car with the blanket right behind me.


Dad and I sat outside as we sipped on our coffee's and a box of donuts sitting in the middle of us. I cupped the drink closer to me and blew cool air over the delicious brown liquid.

"Did you hear about the dead body they found in the woods?"

We both looked up to find a pre-teen attempting to whisper it to her friend as they walked past us.

"Dead body?" I asked dad.

He shrugged his shoulders and took another gulp of coffee."Just some poor soul who was cut in half and left to die. Don't worry about it, princess, you have your good ole pops here to protect you."

I smiled as he furrowed his eyebrows with seriousness. "Right, cause you're not going anywhere."

"That's right."



I waved goodbye to my dad and meet up with Lydia in front of the school. She gave me an air kiss, and then pulled back to look at my outfit. She pursed her lips before nodding in satisfaction.

"I'm so proud of how far your outfits have come." She told me. I was able to make my clothes come together decently enough for her.

She lopped her arm into mine and began leading me up the school steps. "So last night me and Jackson..." As soon as she got to her boyfriend my mind began to wander off. I was mentally preparing my outfit tomorrow so I wouldn't have to be harassed by Lydia. I love my best friend but nothing bothered her more than a person with a bad fashion style. Which was basically me everyday but there were days I choose to make Lydia's life easier.

"...birth of Naomi Finstock. Hey, Naomi, you look...¦like you're gonna ignore me." I turned my head around to look at the person who called out my name. His eyes bugged out as he realized I had heard him. Lydia pulled on my arm, turning me away from the guy with a buzzcut and his friend with the uneven jaw.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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