Ch.9-The accident in the kitchen

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~Arrive the apartment~

Baekhyun's POV

"so guys, please don't mess up our apartment as I don't want my Jieun to be so exhausted after cleaning you guys stuff..." I said while I open the door.

They rush in and all open their mouth saying it is beautiful, clean, blah blah and blah.

Kai said,"wow! How come you just have ONE bedroom in the house, don't tell me you guys are sleeping on the same bed EVERY night!!"

" Hey! Don't be so... ... It's non of your business!" Me and Jieun blush immediately and she said," well I am going to start cooking guys can first play here, there is a Xbox 360 under the television." And she walks in the kitchen, so I sneak behind her.

I jump to use my hand and cover her eyes. "Baeky ah, you just scared me." I loose my hands and hug her," you are not funny, you can just guess me easily." I pouted.

" It's because I know you well so that I can guess it. Why don't you serve our customers by giving them drinks?"

"Ok, after that I will come and help you." I kiss her cheek and I go feet the drinks, going out the kitchen.


After he goes out, I open the refrigerator and see what I can make...hmm... I look at the ingredients and since the ingredients cannot be put together to make a good collaboration, so I decide to make 부대찌개 for them. I search for the pot from the upper cupboard and I accidentally pulled all the cups out which I afraid it will hit directly on me. Baekhyun immediately comes and protect me by using his body to cover me. 

I ask worryingly if he is ok," omo, Baeky, are you ok? Do you need to go to the hospital? Do you feel painful? I am sorry, Baeky ah!"

I surround him with my arms and tears just flood over my face.

"I am ok, and you can call me if you need help, it's dangerous!!! You're lucky that it's just plastic cups, but it won't be plastic cups all the time!! You pabo!!!!" He yells at me which makes me feel scared and sad, he had never yell at me.

"yah! What did I do wrong?! I just want to do my best to be a good wife in the future! I just want to make a good meal for you! And you know what, after what I pay for this, all I get is a yell from you! I really feel sorry about this!" I run to my room and locked the door.

I rush to the bed and use the blanket to cover my whole self and cry.

Baekhyun's POV

I realize my modal is too heavy, I rush after her but I can't get in the room before she slammed the door.

The others come and see what happen. I tell them the whole thing and they say," well bro, I do think your modal is too heavy. You know she is so worrying about you! And it is just an accident! No one knows it will happen."

"I know I did wrong and I am now thinking the solution of this." 

"Jieun ah, I know I did wrong please come out, I am so sorry! I should not yell at you!"


What will happen next? What will Baeky do to cheer up Jieun and get her apology?

Just stick close to the story!

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