Ch.15- Water park

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I wake up and see Baekhyun hugging me tightly. Our face are so close that our lips almost touches. I look in so deep to his face, he is some handsome and makes me blushes. I slightly smile as I am glad to see this face everyday wake up.

"Am I that good looking? I admit it and thank you." He smirks and opens his eyes, give a peek on my lips.

"Why don't you just wake me up if you are up already?" I said as I feel embarrassing, "and plus, you are not that handsome, you just have something dirty on your face."

He searches if it's really, and I sit up. He immediately hugs my waist and pulls me back.

"Let's just sleep for more, pwease?" He lays his head on my shoulder and use his puppy eyes to look at me.

"So what you mean is to leave you here and I will go to the water park with the others?" I said and pulled his hands away. Getting up from the bed and walk towards the door.

"Of course not! I am going with you and you can't go away with me with you!!!!" He screams and rushes out the door, get himself ready.

I laugh and I follow him to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I dress myself in a blue skirt up till my knees with a belt. I decide to wear sandals so it will be more comfortable.

I see Baekhyun out of the bathroom, wearing a t-shirt, writing 'you are mine' on it, with black jeans. 

The door bell suddenly rings and I go to open the door.

"Hi, here we are!" Me and Baekhyun see all of them are at the door already. "Welcome! Do you guys wanna come in?" Baekhyun says.

They all come in and visit every place of our house. 


When we(Infinite) arrive the door, we also meet the others, so we decide to go up together.

Hoya rings the bell and I see, the one and only beautiful Jieun is in my sight.

"Welcome! Do you guys wanna come in?" I hear Baekhyun says and we all go inside. 

They go and visit every inch of the house, but I feel pointless of doing that, so I just stay in the living room.

"L ssi, why aren't you with your friends?" Jieun approaches me and asked me with curiosity.

I decide to tease her," well, watching you already fulfills me..." I smirk and look at her.

Suddenly, Baekhyun comes and pulls her away. He gives the death glares at me like he is gonna send me to hell.

I feel like I can't lose and I stand up, staring at him too.

The members come out and we just stop the staring contest.


Third person's POV

After the one hour journey on bus, they have finally arrive at the Water park. Girls and boys separate to their changing room.

~in the girls changing room~

IU opens her bag and wanna take her swim suit out, "omg, where is my swimming suit?!" Luna and Jiyeon act like they know nothing and say"didn't you pack your bag with us? I am sure that you HAVE your swimming suit with you!" Jiyeon says and Luna laughed, "yeah! Try to find IT again!"

Jieun finds it carefully once again," wait a minute..." She pulls out the bikini, "isn't this the one we look for yesterday?! You actually bought that?!" She freaks out.

"Come on, your original swimming suit is too old, just take it as your belated wedding present!" Luna says excitedly like she and Jiyeon really want to see Jieun in her bikini.

"You guys know it's not my style... It's just too... Complicated for me." Jieun says worrying.

"It's just a bikini in full black color! It's okay for you! Try it out first before you reject it!" Jiyeon exclaimed.

"I guess I don't have a choice!" Jieun says and goes to change with them.

~in the boys changing room~

They are just changing normally and suddenly Myungsoo walks to Baekhyun and whispered..."I wonder how SHE looks in her bikini..." He smirks and walks to his members, which is chatting happily.

Baekhyun suddenly feels insecure for his sweet heart and make a firm decision that, he will watch his Jieun carefully.

Finally they get out the changing room and see the girls are waiting.

Baekhyun is just amazed by Jieun in her...bikini... She is so slim and she fits well in it. He can't help but blushes at that moment.

"Woah, IU you look good in your bikini!" Hoya exclaimed and Jieun blushes a little bit. "Well, thank you Hoya."

Baekhyun can't stand for it and goes straight to Jieun, hugging her and glares at the boys, "don't you guys dare to look at her for more than 3 seconds!!!"

"Ohhhhh, looks like someone is jelly~~~" they tease and Key says, "we'll stop teasing this couple, let's get start to play!"

At this time. L is staring at IU all the time, impressed by her beautiful. And he thinks of a plan to let Baekhyun quit this marriage.....


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