Chapter Twelve--Real Life?

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My breathing was heavy and shallow from the dream. Could that man-that man who's voice seemed so familiar-have really been Thomas, the man who shattered my heart?

No, no, it couldn't have been. It was just a dream, that's all. Thomas was long gone. He was never coming back, and my brain was just making up random images to go with the dream.

I shiver and glance at the clock. 7:15. Work at 8. Better go now than later.

I get up and get into my uniform and make a few strips of bacon for the walk to the diner. Then I grab my jacket and my bag and head out.

I managed to somehow avoid freezing while on the walk to work, but I was still relieved by the rush of sort-of-warmth when I entered the diner.

I went to the back and noticed Izzy standing with her back on the wall, looking around nonchalantly. I checked in without meeting her eyes, then went and lean on the wall beside her.

"Hey, Izzy," I began, but she cut me off.

"Cathy, I'm so sorry about Saturday! I was trying to help Shawn, I didn't realize that there was going to be a blizzard like that! How are you not frozen right now?" Izzy rambled.

"Izzy, relax, I know, don't worry about it! Everything is fine. Shawn still managed to find me. He picked me up in his car and brought me back to his place to warm up. He told me all about it, and we hung out some yesterday, too," I smiled a little at the memory of him kissing me and telling me that he loves me. And me telling him the same.

Izzy looked relieved at this and hugged me. "Sorry, Cathy, I feel like I set you up with him, almost. I shouldn't have done it. What kind of friend am I?"

I pulled away and looked her straight in the eye. "A great one, that's what kind of friend you are," I replied confidently. A smile crept onto Izzy's face.

"So, what did you do with him, huh?" Izzy asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "Gosh, Izzy, you're so dirty minded. We just talked in front of the fire and went to McDonald's. Nothing fancy whatsoever."

Izzy looked disappointed, then glanced back up at means said, "But did he do anything romantic?"

"Well..." I didn't want to reply completely honestly to this. And by that I mean, I really didn't want to tell her about the kiss. "He managed to get his uncle to plow out my parking lot. I guess that was kind of sweet."

Izzy squealed in delight just as Alyssa walked into the back. Allie placed her fingers in her ears. "Yeesh, can you get any more high-pitched than that, Izzy?"

Izzy responded by making an even higher noise seep out of her mouth. Allie and I groaned. Oh, Izzy.

"Come on guys, we have to get to work. I better go out front to wait for some customers," I said once Allie clamped a hand over Izzy's mouth.

I didn't wait for them to reply. Instead, I quickly made my way out of the back to the front of the diner, behind the counter in my usual starting spot.

After a while, someone came in. Raggedy coat, dusty bowler, battered briefcase... Hey, wait a minute!

"Good morning sir," I said to him unsurely. "Um... how may I help you?"

"Same as Friday," he replied, muttering something under his breath afterwards.

So it was the same man. But could it really be him? Could it really be Thomas?

I told Jim the order and the man sat at the counter again with his newspaper.

I hesitated my next move, nervous about the possible result. Then I went and sat next to the man.

"Excuse me, sir," I began, clearing my throat. "I'm so sorry to interrupt your reading but..."

He turned his head towards me, lowering his newspaper. I felt the words catch in my throat. I just couldn't keep talking.

"You want to see my face, don't you Cathy? Just to prove to yourself it's all real?" the man said, startling me immensely.

I gulped and nodded slowly, not wondering how this man knew my name.

He slowly took off his hat and looked me straight in the eyes. I knew that cropped, light brown hair and those chocolatey brown eyes anywhere.

"Thomas," I gasped. "It really is you, isn't it?"

Thomas nodded. "So, how've you been, Cathy?"


Hey guys! So omg it really is Thomas, that jerk! Surprise to anyone? I would hope not, seeing how I pretty much already gave away that it was him last chapter. But then again, that was a dream. This one definetly isn't. Or is it??

No, I'm just messing with you. This one is real life. Sorry if I just freaked you out. 😊

Love you guys! Now please vote, comment, and follow! I follow back, guys!

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