The rise of Voltron part 2

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Coran checked what was going on, "A Galra battleship has set its tracker to us!" He exclaimed, I stepped closer to Allura. "How did they find us?!" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I bet it's Keith's fault" Lance declared glaring at said boy. "Say whatever you gotta say to make yourself feel better, after getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole!" Keith shot back.
"I'LL STICK YOU IN A WORMHOLE!!!!" Lance shouted back getting up in Keith's face.

'Kiss kiss kiss!' I chanted in my head but then Shiro cut in, "Stall it cadets!, this is no time to place blame it's time to work as a team" he turned to me, Allura, and Coran "how long till they get here?"

Coran began to counting with his fingers and mumbling, I could make out "carry the one" until he came to a conclusion, "a couple of days".
"Good, let them come, by the time they do you six will have reformed voltron and together we will destroy Zarkon" as soon as she said that, Hunk burped, "sorry, food goo" he said as his stomach rumbled. "Wait, six? But there are five of us here" Lance said
"Well, Amira is the sixth, she is the paladin of the white lion" they all looked at me, surprised "we just assumed she was your bodyguard" Lance explained
"I sort of am, my mother was the last white paladin and a royal guard" I told them and they nodded.

"Princess, there are six of these lions, how are we going to find the rest" Shiro asked, Allura led us to the ship's control room and stepped onto a small pedestal that lit up, "King Alfor connected the lions to Allura's life force, she alone holds the key to the lions whereabouts" Coran explained and then, a huge map appeared around us

I will finish this in the next part

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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