≠Tis' The Season≠

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There was a crisp chill outside as Halloween night had fallen upon the small town of Bluefield,WV. My best friend Annabelle and I were dressed up as our favorite characters,she was Chucky and I was Raven from Teen Titans. We happily awaited to arrive at the club where we'd be enjoying festivities at. We had finally made it after 10 to 15 minutes of waiting & the sights that were bestowed upon us was quite beautiful. There are acrobats that swiveled up and down a long,velvet like cloth as if it were a web and she was the spider. There's Halloween decorations that glowed and made noises,littering the place in a sea of colors.

Once inside there were many more sights and activities to involve ourselves in. The dance floor boomed with the excitement of dancers and the dance floor seemed to melt as the colors changed with each passing second. The pool tables were towards the left of the dance floor,a little farther back. There were few proclaiming victory over a won game of pool. And to the far right of the dance floor was the bar and many seats that were occupied by guests and their beverages. As Annabelle and I seat ourselves at the bar we order some sweet flavored martinis and conversate while I scan the room to observe.

There were few peculiar faces that stood out from the crowd. One being a monochrome clown with suspenders,feathers,& ruffled black hair. Another being a grayish man with a beanie around his matted,ruffled black hair. His eyes giving off a yellow tone and aura and finally a pasty white man who's features showed a Chelsea grin and small burns to his eye area. His hair being black and ruffled like the other two. Their costumes really intrigued me and I felt compelled to approach them to grant them a few compliments on their costumes.

"Hey Anna,you see those men over there? We should go over to em."

She scoffed at my notion and looked at me with disapproving eyes.

"Rose what are you thinking?? We don't know them. What if they're psychos or something?"

I was in no mood to contemplate the situation and dove straight in to approach the strangers. As I approached the clown starts looking at me with a derived expression.

"What do you want?"
He questioned with a deep and raspy tone. Eyeing me suspiciously.

"Nothing,I just wanted to pay you guys some compliments on your unique costumes."

As I finished my sentence the Chelsea grinned,knife wielder spoke up.

"These aren't costumes baby."
He stared at me with contempt as if I had just said something disrespectful but let out a menacing chuckle. The clown quickly got up and reverted the situation as he lurched awfully close to me. Something about his aura seemed dark and gave me a constant chill as he spoke.

"Don't mind my dear old buddy,he's just upset because he hasn't been able to snag any women around this joint. How about we go somewhere more.. private and my buddies and I can give you in depth detail on these costumes of ours. Shall we?"

Something about the offer struck a ominous chord in me and as I looked over at Anna and thought about the promise we made not to stray from each other I respectfully declined. Their expressions looked of disappointment and they slowly made their way back to their previous positions and conversation. I made my way back to the bar where Anna was sitting patiently waiting for juicy details.

"So how did it go?"

I giggled at her notion.

"It went well,they offered me a "in depth look" into their costumes which probably translates into my buddies and I wanna run a train on you and the one with the white hoodie was rather weird. He said they weren't costumes."

I giggled.

"Mm I bet you'd be into that."

Sarcasm filling her words.

"Maybe later,we we better be getting home. I'm tired."

And with that we headed in the direction towards the door. We passed by the trio I had complimented earlier and I made sure to leave no Ill intent behind by giving a short glance and wave their way. The hooded albino and the monochrome clown both waved back and smiled,watching as Anna and I left. We inched closer towards the red camaro and safely positioned ourselves for the ride home.
During our drive we giggled and joked about the night. We pulled in and parked into the apartment parking lot,quickly locking up the vehicle and walking towards our apartment.

As Anna was busy unlocking the door I noticed something peculiar about the neighbors. Their door was slightly cracked as if someone had made a entrance and forgot to close the door all the way. Afraid to be to nosey and investigate I just shrugged it off and headed inside with Anna. We cooked some dinner and watched a few episodes of AHS:Coven before we decided to go to sleep. About a hour of tossing,turning,and not being able to drift off to sleep I saw blue and red lights shine through the living room window and as always my curiosity took over.

Why were the police here?
I got up and headed towards the door to open it. I pulled the knob back to be welcomed by a horrific sight. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from spilling the contents of my stomach out.

There was yellow police tape all over the apartment and on the door. They were carrying our neighbors out in black body bags. It was painful to watch as they removed the corpses of 2 adults and 2 children out of the now vacant apartment. As a officer noticed me standing there mortified, he walked over and began to question me on how I knew the deceased.

"What happened to them? Why are they dead?"

I asked as I let silent tears slip through my eyes and fall.
"There's been a homicide ma'am. Unfortunately I can't give out many details but maybe you'll know something that can help us in this investigation."

The officer took out a small notepad and pen and began to write and question me.
"So you obviously know the Johnsons because your their neighbor. Did you ever see any strange behavior or strange people around the complex?"
He asked as empathetic as possible.

"No,although we didn't talk much I used to babysit their kids on occasion. They were really nice people so I don't see why someone would see fit to murder them."

I sobbed a little at the thought of those once innocent little faces of the Johnson kids being cold and barren of any life. I stand there wondering how someone could be so inhumane as to murder a whole family. Obviously seeing me in in a state of despair and shock, the officer excused me back to my home and I closed the door,dealing with my new emotion of sadness. Thankfully Iris wasn't awake because she would've bawled like a baby had she found out the news that the Johnsons were murdered. She adored their 2 children.

My mind was now left boggled about who killed them and memories we had together. Hopefully the police would catch this psychopath and put a end to his/her reign of chaos. After everything that had happened that night I found it difficult to sleep but as hours passed by and my insomnia and the shock from the news slowly drifted away,I laid on my bed and drifted into a deep slumber.

Chambered Gift (Creepypasta Fanfiction/Laughing Jack)Where stories live. Discover now