≠I vow to avenge you ≠

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I woke up to the sunlight beaming through the room. Giving it a a warm glow. As my eyes adjusted and came into focus I took notice that the Jack in the box had moved. Given that Annabelle never entered my room uninvited I knew she couldn't have moved it and the movement of the box brought me to remember the dream I had just woken up from moments ago.

I quickly got dressed and inched my way towards the Jack in the box,laying it down on my silk covers and slowly starting to turn the red handle. The melody of pop goes the weasel started to play,although it was somewhat off key. Probably due to it's old age.

As seconds passed by and the melody came to a end the opening of the box popped open suddenly startling me and causing me to jump. Recovering from my fear that lasted a millisecond I peeked inside to see that there was nothing. It struck me rather odd and ominous that there was no contents to be found and it was barren.

Shaking off the smidge of eeriness I felt surround me I laid the box back on my vanity. I headed to the kitchen to be welcomed by none other than Iris cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast.

"Good morning sleepy head! I'm making some breakfast if you want some."

Her being so hyper and alert in the mornings always give me a sense of joy.

"What kinda question is that eh? Of course I do!"
I giggled in reply.

She finished up cooking the last pieces of bacon and put the sizzling contents on the plate closest to me. I dove into it instantly,enjoying all the flavors and textures explode in my mouth. Once finished I washed my dirty dishes in the sink and went to the living room,turning on the TV to watch some news.the anchor women spoke with a alerted and serious yet sweet tone.

"West Virginia residents are encouraged to lock all windows and doors by nightfall. The number of murders have slowly increased as the police are quickly and vigilantly trying to apprehend the suspect or suspects of these murders. Call the help hotline to report any leads."

She continued to talk and soon the names and faces of the victims claimed had popped up onto the screen. By this time Anna was tuning into it as well and I turned back to see her reaction. She was silently crying as she saw the 4 pictures of the Johnson family. Before I could even offer any condolences she quickly walked to her room,closing and locking it behind her.

It sucked to see her so upset and not being able to remedy the pain she was feeling. It brought me down as well and my blue orbs threatened to let a few tears escape. The day seemed to last forever until it was finally time for bed. The clock struck 12 p.m. and I had to catch up on some much needed sleep if I was going to make it to work tomorrow. As I snuck in between the warm welcoming covers I heard a shift near my window but decided not to think to much about it. It was probably just a tree limb or something from outside. It took a while to hear the shuffling again. This time it was a little louder,signaling that whatever it came from is in the room with me and I'm not alone.

The fear inside me was growing slowly as I came to the realization I could be in danger. I scan my room to look for any possible signs of entry. As I scanned, my closet door stands out the most. The door is ever so slightly cracked letting the dark abyss from the inside escape, leaving the mind to wander to irrational fears. I stare at it in shock and fear waiting for whatever may be lurking inside.

Ever so slowly long,bony fingers started to appear in the crack,a hand slowly being exposed in the moonlight. Then the most horrifying of all was the toothy grinned,cone nosed face that appeared as the door ever so slowly opened. My eyes were wide with fear but I refused to scream. I couldn't. It was like my voice box had been muted of all sound. It was the clown I'd met at the club before but this time he was much more scarier,his monochrome outfit soaked in blood,new and old. The metallic stench of blood curdled my senses. As he lurched forward I had to think fast and grab the closest object I could to protect myself with.

The closest thing happened to be a lamp and as I aimed it at his head it shattered into a million pieces. He was on the floor aching in pain and holding his head giving me just enough time to run out of the room and grab a weapon from the kitchen.

My weapon of choice was a large kitchen knife. My grip was firm and sweaty on the handle from being nervous. But ever so slowly I tip toed back to my room. Although this seemed pretty stupid and any sane person would've made a run for their life,that wasn't part of my personality. I'm quite stubborn and since this was my home and my life was at stake I was prepared to fight. Not fly like a scared little bird.

I finally got to my door and to my surprise and utter shock the clown was gone and all that remained was broken glass. There was no peep or sound throughout the house to help me locate his presence. I wasn't giving up my search though. I checked the rooms thoroughly to ease my mind. After a few minutes I finally reached the last room. Annabelle's room. I knocked waiting for approval to enter as I knew better than to barge in. She didn't like that to much.

Hearing no answer I grew worried. What if he went in there?? What if he's hurt her?? After a short moment I leaned my hand on the door to open it but to my surprise and horror my thoughts were right. HE IS IN THERE. I knew I was right Because she had previously locked her door when she found out about what happened to the Johnson family earlier.

I swung open the door,knife at the ready and switched on the light. The dark abyss quickly shined luminescent light into the room and covered every inch of the room. It took seconds for my eyes to adjust to the new lighting but when it did I was greeted with a grotesque sight.

Annabelle laid sprawled out on the bed covered in a pool of her own blood. Crimson liquid splattered everywhere. She had a horrified expression plastered on her now deathly pale skin tone,lips drained of color and her hands lay on her stomach,inside her grasp were her own fleshy organs and a variety of candies. The clown was nowhere to be found. Tears escaped my eyes and I hurled in her nearby trash bin. I screamed her name over and over in false hope that it'd somehow bring her back to me. But I knew that what's done is done and no amount of tears spilled,screams echoed through the hallway,or tender hugs to her body would change that. In that moment I felt my heart break. It literally ached out of sorrow,anger,and so many other mixed emotions.

I was now covered in her blood and before I could get to engulfed in my pain I called 911 and phoned the police department. After about 10 minutes they walked into the room to me holding the limp,lifeless corpse of my best friend. I knew at some point I'd have to let go and I was dreading it. Because I knew it'd be the last time I see her in the flesh.due to her wounds there was surely no hope for a open casket.

The officers caressed my crying figure and coaxed me to let go as the paramedics propped her up on the gurney and wheeled her away. Due to my obvious unwell state they chose not to question me right away. They taped off her room with yellow police tape and after a hour of them trying to comfort me and ask me questions we headed outside. Since my apartment was now a crime scene I was no longer aloud to be there so I phoned my mom and tried to maintain my composure to the best of my ability.

The phone rang for a couple seconds and then my mom's sweet voice emitted from the other end.

"Hey sweetie,it's late. What are you doing up. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

The moment she asked that I broke down in tears.

"Momma,I need to stay with you for a while. Something bad happened...Anna is dead.."
I continued to feel salty tears rush down my face as I spaced out over the flashing lights of ambulances and police cars.

"Oh my God..okay sweetie. You wait right where you are. I'm on my way!"
And in a hurry to get to me she hung up.

She must've sped Because the usual 20 minute drive turned into 5. She ran towards me and caressed my cheeks and embraced me in a hug,cooing apologies and comforting words. Although it gave a small smidge of comfort,nothing could take away the ache my heart was feeling right now. After calming down and stopping the flow of tears,we packed my belongings and ourselves into her car and headed for my 2nd home. It was about 2 or 3 in the a.m. now and after everything that happened the hopes of going to work tomorrow were out of question.

I trudged upstairs to my old bedroom and unpacked my things. I was so exhausted from the hysteria,the internal pain,loss of sleep,and newfound stress that I gave up halfway through unpacking and just covered myself in the sheets of my old bed. I was so numb from that night that the fact I still had a eerie feeling I was being watched didn't phase me at all. Now I was hoping that psycho freak would come back so I could avenge my fallen best friend.

Chambered Gift (Creepypasta Fanfiction/Laughing Jack)Where stories live. Discover now