My Favorite Book: Fahrenheit 451

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I'll start off with being honest, I have alot of favorite books, this one is probably not even my all time favorite but that's because someone else used one of them (multiple). But what I can say about this book is that it impacted me through words printed on paper. It made me think about life. Most times I assume it is like this for everyone. It's something amazing and intriguing when words written on a thin page with ink , made upon copies and copies somehow has changed how you see things or maybe resonated with you.

Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury is known as a classic to most and I read it for my summer reading for school. From first glance it appealed to me because it was set in the future. Imagine a time when firefighters didn't put out fires, instead they created them and in those fires books, writing and creativity were burning and scorching no longer existing. The main character a firefighter Guy Montag becomes curious and decides to start saving books trying to preserve them and figure out why they are so special and impact us so much that people would want to turn them to ashes. 

The best part of this book for me was the actual writing style and actual quotes from the book that I  actually  highlighted.

“Words are like leaves and where they most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.”  

 “The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.”

“Oh, God, the terrible tyranny of the majority.”

“And the war began and ended in that instant.”

“And on either side of the river was there a tree of life, which bare twelve manners of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of nations”

These are just a few quotes from the book that stood out to me but honestly my book is filled with yellow blinding highlighter marks. I would elaborate on the quotes but I feel as though it is something you should evaluate yourself before hearing another's voiced opinion. But this book is so much more than just these quotes alone but even the detail in the imagery to provide a visual that could provoke emotion such as "There was a crash like the falling parts of a dream fashioned out of warped glass, mirrors, and crystal prisms." 

Aside from the actual writing the complexity and dynamic of the book as the story progresses and the plot thickens battles so many different conflicts especially considering it was written at least 60 years ago. Conflicts such as man .vs. self : Montag’s biggest conflict throughout the story is himself. It begins with him first being a firefighter which is the person who originally is in charge of burning the books. So when Montag becomes interested in books he has to make a decision to leave behind the ways he always knew or continue to read and collect books which could lead to his death. Man .vs. Society :  Guy Montag, Clarisse, Faber, Granger and others .vs. Gov’t and Society with Banned Books – Montag, Clarisse, Faber, Granger and others are all in a constant battle with the Gov’t and Society with Banned Books because they defy the “normality” of the setting and time period the author has created. They defy the rules and rebel against the control. These even as I continue aren't even all of the conflicts of the book but just a simple taste into what this book is and what it's worth.  

The book for me was amazing and the author took me through a future world where people began to fight and die for the intricate and amazing art that is books and writing. Especially considering my love for writing myself. Anyways what else is there to say , I think it's a great story and I could read it over and over and still love the language and writing that is on each page. Fahrenheit 451 a book that ends with the line "When we reach the city." and honestly I don't think I would have liked it to end any other way. I was left to decide for myself an ending and think of the endless possibilities and it is amazing how much this book can make your mind wander. 

 “See the world: It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” 

-Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

My Favorite Book: Fahrenheit 451Where stories live. Discover now