Authors note

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Heyooooo what's up everybody! It's been awhile since TDBYAI came out and I LOVE how well it's doing. I get an update when you guys vote and update when you guys comment and I read them ALL. So I would like to take a moment to thank you you guys for continuing to read this story and all my other stories IT MAKES ME HAPPY !!!!!! So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Anyway on to the real reason I made this authors note, I still haven't wrote an epilogue like I was planning too. It's still in my drafts lol but I'm just stuck and I'm so worried about finishing the Fighter (which you should check out btw) that I haven't even thought about what it's going to be about. Plus college is a pain in the butt too. So I'm going to start working on it even though I have no idea what I want it to be about so what I'm saying is be on the look out the next couple weeks cause I'm going to try to put the epilogue up. So that's all I have to say I hope you guys have an amazing day or night and please continue to read my stuff! I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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