Chapter 4: Realization

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A few weeks later, Bri was at school planing something fiendish, she saw Adam and Brandon and puts something on her wrist. She walked up behind them and got between them and knocked their heads together than webbed their feet together

"Stick around" She said starting to bolt down the hallway evading everyone perfectly, Adam and Brandon gave chase after taking their shoes off, they bumped into everyone as Bri kept running, she webbed a bit of the ceiling to help her go around a sharp corner, Brandon tripped at the corner making Adam trip over Brandon going face first into the trash can. She laughed and turn the corner and jumped onto the ceiling as They ran past thinking she kept running

"Phew their gone" Bri said laughing

"No fucking way" She heard someone say as she looked down seeing Josh looking at her and she froze "huh" he kept staring at her

"You aren't freaking out...." Bri said dropping down

"You can't be" he said "how are you climbing?"

"You wouldn't believe me" she said "so we're still gonna hang out at the arcade later?"

"Uh yea, you do know I'll have questions right?" He asked

"Yep" she said crawling into a vent "see ya!" Josh waved and went home

"Interesting" he said putting his VR equipment on "all well" he entered Get Mixed and met up with Kishin

"Yo FlashK" Kishin said chuckling

"Its just us Jackson, call me by my name" Josh said

"But that's no fun, plus I'm not my true self when being called that name" Jackson said cackling

"OK that's weird and uh lets go do something" Josh said walking pass buildings and got to the terrible part of the village where all the high loot is but also where the cyber bullies stay

"Oooooooooooo I like this" Jackson said eyeballing building to building seeing what to blow up first and in what order, as they walk by and saw some level 3's getting knocked around by level 60's

"That's not cool" Josh said walking to one and placed his hand on his shoulder "stop it"

"And what do we got here Batch?" One said looking at Josh staring him down

"We got our self a hero Dorian, what do we do to heroes?" Batch said releasing his claws and went to slash but got blown and flew back into a few buildings and Josh looked at Jackson

"You handle Tweedle Dee, I'll handle Tweedle Dum" Josh said as Jackson smiled walking to where Batch roughly landed

"Ha you sent your boyfriend away, and now I'm gonna kill you" Dorian said slashing a sword at Josh, Josh moved to the side dodging it and grabbed Rebellion and slashes at Dorian's chest and it healed up, Josh sped around Dorian and moved the kid's away

"THOSE WERE MINE!!!!" Dorian said becoming a legendary super saiyan and punched Josh and he flew into a building

"Fucking hell" He said getting up and slid his arm down and real time showed up "ok I got a hour, I'll enjoy this fight" Josh said appearing behind Dorian and did million stabs than used bleeding edge to get a repulser and blasted the back of Dorian's head, Dorian stumbled back a bit


"RAAAHHHHH KISHIN BLOW UP EVERYTHING!!!!" Jackson yelled while letting off tons of explosives, Josh used that distraction and drop kicks Dorian to the ground and placed a collar on his neck and Dorian appeared in a jail

"You almost wrap that up?" Josh said looking at Jackson, Jackson sent skin scarfs to cut Batch, batched healed as he swung sending Jackson flying

"Wheeeeee" Jackson let out hitting a building "VAAAAAN WINKLEEEEEE!!!" Jackson said in a sing songy tune as batch got shot in the arm, blowing it off and he started to heal "close enough" and Batch grabbed his shield and bashed Jackson, Jackson's skin scarfs stop it

"RAAAAA..." Batch got cut off because Jackson threw a mint in his mouth

"You needed it" Jackson said threw a smile and shot Jackall at him and another sniper shot hit Batch's leg and he put a collar on Batch as he teleported away

"You done?" Josh asked walking to Jackson

"Yep! So fun" He said smiling

"Well I have to go, friend is meeting me at the library" Josh said "peace" he said signing out, Josh sat up and got ready and started to walk to the local library, he got there and sat down. A few hours passed

"She's not coming" Josh said sighing and jumped up to the sound of a explosion "the hell" Josh ran outside and saw what was going on, he saw Batch and Dorian punching Bri into the library, she caught her self

"JOSH! RUN!" She yelled dodging a fist from Batch but got hit by Dorian and Josh jumped up and caught her "run" she said spitting blood out

"I'm not gonna run" Josh said standing up "I........... Have been afraid to tell you something, mainly because I'm too afraid that you wouldn't like the real me. Sorry gwen" Josh said flicking his right wrist and a repulser came out and he blasted Batch in the face and punched Dorian in the face sending him back and breaking the gauntlet and Josh ripped it off throwing it to the side

"Josh you're..." Bri mumbled out as his Biomatrix uncloaked

"HUMUNGOOPSAUR!" Josh crossed his arm and became a mix of humungasaur and Goop, a web stopped Batch's fist

"I'm not some helpless princess" Bri said swing around kicking Edward in the face and Josh punched Dorian sending him into a tree, Dorian grabbed a tree and chucked it at Josh and it went threw him, Josh grabbed Dorian by the neck and strangled him into unconscientious, Dorian deformed from the legendary super saiyan revealing Brandon

"Interesting so that must b.." Josh got interrupted by batch screaming as he has layers and layers of webs on him, Josh went out of his aliens and went to him and Bri swung around and forced her feet onto Josh's chest knocking him down and kneeled down

"You're a idiot for thinking that" Bri said kissing Josh's forehead "Gotta go, almost out of webbing, you got this? Of course you do" she said swinging away. Josh waved bye and got up and walked away hoping no one saw what just happened, but someone did, Raf saw everything from the library


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