A proposal ONESHOT

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grillbys pov
I sigh as I start wiping the counter once again I flip the sign to open..Today's going to be a long day.
Hours later I was correct today is going to be a long day luckily the rush has died down now.
I look up when the bell rings Ah it's Gaster.
Gasters POV
I need to ask the question....it's now or never,,,
"Hello Sunshine (nickname I made up for Grillby XD. I don't usually do Firefly. If you dislike Sunshine I'll change it to firefly)"
"Greetings Dear" he says.
"How are you today?"
"I'm okay..." he says.
"Won't you sit down?" He asks.
I take a deep breath (?)
And I get on one knee pull out the ring
"Grillby....Will you make me the happiest monster to exist...and marry me?"
"Yes yes yes!!!" He says as he hugs me and starts to kiss me.
(The bar is closed otherwise it'd be awkward)
I blush and put the ring on his finger.

(This was long overdue,
Question:How do you guys feel about Charisk (Chara x Frisk) one of my other otps. Grillster being main)

Gaster x Grillby (Grillster)Where stories live. Discover now