Leaves In The Sand

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He sat alone, staring up at the quarter moon. He always sat alone at night as the others slept. Gaara sighed as he brought his knees to his chest. The sand ninja had only been sitting on the roof of this building for a small portion of the night. He was sick and tired of always being alone and he knew he wasn't.

"I know you are there, Naruto Uzamaki."

Naruto came from the edge of the roof, "Uhh... hey, there."

"What do you want?" Gaara asked, careful not to make eye contact.

Naruto sat beside him, "Oh, I thought was could talk or something."

"Talk about what?" Gaara sighed.

"Like... ...what it is like to be kazehage?" He blushed slightly.

"A great responsiblity weighing on your shoulders. Every person in your village depending on you to do what is right for the village, what is good. Respect and trust..." Gaara replied.

Naruto sighed this time, "Must be nice. I want to be hokage so bad, I can taste it."

Gaara's eyes finally moved to Naruto, "Why are you here?"

"Why? Don't cha wanna hang out?"

"Don't you hate me?"

Naruto gave a start, "Why would I hate you?!"

"Well... after all I have done to your village, to you. How can you so casually sit here and speak to me as if nothing happened?" Gaara asked.

"Because, we are the same. I remember a time, when I was all alone too. When people hated me for something that wasn't my fault. Just like you. But, I meet people that saw past that... monster, to see who I really was."

"I don't understand you, Naruto."

"I want to be the person who brings you out of the darkness. Like what Iruka-Sensei did for me." Naruto smiled at Gaara. The goofy grin he always wore.

Gaara recoiled slightly, "And how do you plan to do that?" Gaara asked with a huff.

Suddenly, Naruto grabbed Gaara by his forearms and pulled him into an open mouth kiss. Gaara's heart pounded in his his ears, eyes wide. The kiss was hot and wet. Gaara shoved naruto away, "What the hell are you doing?! You just kissed me!"

"Really? I couldn't tell... wanna do it again?" Naruto sneered.

"What? We can't do those sort of things, we're both guys..." Gaara leaned away from Naruto.

"Who cares. Who's gonna know? It's just a kiss. Come on, Gaara, let me save you," he leaned toward the youth as he leaned farther away.

"Why are you doing this, Naruto?"

"Because... I want to," Naruto ran a hand up Gaara's leg.

Gaara grabbed his hand to stop it, "That is no answer."

"Hey, I got a secret to tell ya, come here," Naruto gestured with his head for Gaara to come closer.

Gaara still held Naruto's hand at bay, "What?"

"Come here..." He pulled Gaara close to him, placing his lips to Gaara's ear, "I've always liked both girls and guys."

Gaara's faceflushed red, "Why are you telling me this?"

Naruto snatched Gaara in a tight grip, "You want to be wanted, to be needed by someone else, don't you? Well, so do I... " Naruto pressed his face to Gaara's again. Kissing him deeply.

Gaara again pushed him away, "Stop that!" He snapped, "This is not what I ment."

Naruto grinned, "Come on, Gaara! Just one. I promise you'll like it."

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