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I woke up at 6 a.m as usual and made myself ready for school.

After I ate breakfast and dressed myself I took my bag on my shoulder and waved my mum goodbye.

My brother Jihyun and I walk always together to school. He walk next to me and says in sign language 'If they do something to you again, tell me'.

I nodded 'Thank you' I "said".

Yes. We talk in sign language because...I'm deaf.

I'm deaf since I was born and since my childhood I'm learning sign language.

We enter the schoolgate and wave each other goodbye. I walk to my class and like I expected it, everyone ignores me or looks with frowned eyes at me. Yes, I'm deaf and I'm in a normal school but the teachers said it's okay for me. But it isn't really.

I sit down on my seat and take my books out. While waiting for the lesson, I look on the clock. 6 hours school. Great.

After some time I noticed the teacher coming in, and next to him a blue haired boy. He looks really cute to be honest.

They both stand in front of us and the teacher starts to talk but if of course I don't understand him. I really wanted to know who this boy is. Is he new in our class?

The teacher showed him where to sit. Right next to me.

While I still didn't knew what's going on, the teacher told me in my language that he is new in the class.

I nodded as a respond and looked at the boy. He noticed me and smiled at me. I smiled back and he gave me his hand.

I was too shy to start a conversation so I looked back to the teacher.

After like a minute he waved to me to look at him. He was holding a paper and on it was written:

'Hi, my name is Min Yoongi. I know you can't hear me so let's talk this way. Nice to meet you.'

I smiled at how he wanted to talk with me. It really means a lot to me when people understand me.

I took my pen and started to write.

"I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you too" I smiled showing him my answer.

He smiled back. For the rest of the lesson we concentrated on the lesson.

A hour later it ended. Finally.
I wanted to talk to Yoongi. He was so nice to me like no one else except for my brother.

Everybody always rejects me knowing I'm deaf because they don't want someone like me in their life.

That's why I want to talk more with Yoongi. He immediately understood and started to communicate with me so I could understand.

I saw Yoongi walking out of the class so I quickly walked behind him. I couldn't talk so I had to run.

Of course everybody looked at me like at a freak and seeing me run, on of the guys that bullied me the most pushed me so I fell to the ground.

I wanted Yoongi to notice me and help, but he kept walking. I stood up carefully and ignored everyone. They were probably laughing about me but of course, I didn't hear them.

I walked to the bathroom and started to wash my face. Looking to the mirror, I saw a small year on my cheek. I washed it away as well and walked out of the schools building. I sat on a bench hoping nobody would notice me there, and took out my small diary.

It probably sounds childish but my diary is my best friend. I write there all my problems and immediately feel better. And it's easier to write than talking in sign language with my mum or brother.

'Dear diary, today I met a really nice and cute boy that is new in my class. He found out I'm deaf and started to write with me on a piece of paper. His name is Min Yoongi and he has pretty blue hair. I want to talk with him more but I don't know where he is right now. I hope he wants to be friends with me so I don't have only you and Jihyun.'

That's all I wrote on the new page. I have this diary since a long time. I started to use it when I was 12. Now I'm 18. And I write everyday even when nothing big happens.

I saw everyone walking back to the school so I suppose the break ended.

I walked back to the class and saw Yoongi walking next to me. He smiled at me. Maeby it's my chance to talk again.

We sat on our seats and I quickly took out a paper. But when I turned to him, I saw him talking with other boys and girls from my class. I wanted to show him that I wanted to talk but I was too scared that they all will laugh about me so I keept being quiet.

After few hours of school it ended. Everyone started to leave the school.

I decided to talk with him again no matter what.

I started to write on my paper.

"Hey, let's talk about something :)"

I quickly walked to him and showed him the paper.

He smiled and took it from me. I waited few seconds until he showed what he wrote.

"Sure, about what? Let's walk home together if you want to"

I smiled seing his answer and nodded.

I think we will be friends.


Hey sorry for any grammar mistakes and thanks for's my first Bts ff btw:3 💕

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