Chapter 2.

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Okay Millie you can do this just focus really really and one,two three! Turn! Spot dumbass! I said to myself in my head I knew I could do it but I've been really lazy lately. "Very nice Millie! I see the improvement!"miss Ryder said with a smile, a real pure smile I knew she meant it. I smile to myself as a brush of my light pink tutu. I think I'm a decent ballerina I mean my hair is not long enough to be put in a bun so I just leave it down since it's exactly at my ears. I love having short hair it makes me different. I was already pretty different being the only British girl in my dance school. I moved to Derry, Maine when I was around 12 being 16 now. I still have a thick British accent due to the fact that I always go back to England over summer break. "Ma'am may I please get some water?"I say with a stutter. Damnit I hate how I'm so nervous around people I'm not close with it makes me look wimpy in front of everyone. "Yes dear thank you for asking."said the middle aged dance teacher name Winona. I've always adore Winona she is aging I know but she still looks so young and elegant when she dance whereas I look like a godamn idiot. I turn being careful not to trip since my left point shoe was untied. I look over to my right to see my flawless best friend Sadie Sink she is absolutely beautiful. She has red red hair almost like fire, it's long and wavy. She has these eyes oh how I love her eyes they are blue like a waterfall. She smiles big at me giving me thumbs up. I just got my triple turn on point which is really big especially for me since I'm not that well of a dancer whereas Sadie was probably one of the best. I giggle and smile back mouthing the words 'thank you'. Speaking of good dancer my other really close friend Sophia Lillis is a natural beauty she has short Shirley red/orange hair and blue eyes. She has to be one of the best dancers I've ever seen. She can do 6 turns on point and then land it like a god I mean she is absolutely perfect. But she has been out for the week past couple of days, she is on vacation with her boyfriend Jaeden. As I finish drinking my water I see best friend Noah has to be one of the sweetest person I've met. He is so loving and caring our good friend Maddie is bisexual and he was so sweet and caring for her. He is gay himself and is dating out good friend Wyatt Oleff. Most of us all go to the same high school. "Milster!!" Noah said with a grin. "I saw those turns you looked absolutely amazing!" Noah said. "Noah you're too kind!"I said with a giggle. He sent a smile back. "I have to get back to practice before Winona gets angry." I said while jogging back to class. Not caring that my point shoe was tied yet. As I walk back into class I quickly lace my shoe back up. "Okay class I have a surprise for you!"Winona said clapping  her hands together. I don't know why but this made me nervous. "So as you all know the football players are coming in for about 3 months."Winona said with tired eyes. I knew she was overworked she taught everyday and ran a dance studio. Winona has always been a close family friend, you can call her my aunt. My mom and her grew up together. They met when they were 6 and took ballet lessons together. When I was born Winona thought I would make an amazing dancer. I feel like I'm disappointing her I mean yeah I can dance but I can't turn on point without falling right in my ass. "They will be coming to class tomorrow! So ladies wear bras!"Winona said earning a few giggles. She's right though everyone in my class is 16 and up and they don't wear godamn bras! "Okay class is dismissed, Millie can I talk to you for a sec."Winona said. I heard a few whispers, I gulped trying my best not to show the fear in my eyes. I walk over to her not wanting to trip since my point shoes make the ground slippery sometimes. "Millie your killing yourself when you dance. I know you can dance you just have to fight for it. Your so graceful and beautiful use those qualities when you dance and tighten up your abdomen."Winona sweetly said pulling me into her embrace. "Thank you"I whispered. "Don't thank me love go home and say hi to Ava and your mom okay."Miss Ryder said losing her grip. As I walked out of the studio I get bombarded with questions from Sadie. "Are you okay?" "Is she mad?" "I'm here for you."that was all she could make out before I cut here off. "Sadie I didn't get yelled at she just gave me some tips."I said calmly. "Oh okay well come spend the night at me house I'll drive us to school tomorrow."the red head said with smile that stretched from ear to ear literally. "Okay let me call my mom."I said grabbing my phone from my bag and walking into the bathroom. I knew my mom would be fine with it. Ever since my dad died it's just been me her and Ava my little sister. He died when I was around 11. That's when we moved to Derry Maine. "Hey mom! Sadie invited me to spend the night at her house she can drive me to school tomorrow and take me to dance."I said with much hope in my voice. "Umm....okay you can have fun honey and be safe."she said sweetly. "Thank you so much I love you and Ava. And Winona says hi."I said with a large smile. "I love you too honey bye now."she said and hung up the phone.

-At Sadie's House-
We were in Sadie's room currently watching this movie called It. Sadie's favorite movie. I hid my head in her shoulder. Letting out a silent scream. After a couple minutes I passed out. In the morning Sadie so lovingly decided to wake me up by hitting me with her pillow. "Sadie what the hell!"I yelled whacking her back. "Sorry! Let's go we're going to be late."she Sadie trying to hide her laughter.
As Sadie pulled up into the school parking lot I heard he choke on her on damn air. "You good?"I asked with a laugh. "Yep I'm fine totallyyyyy fine."she said her voice shaking. I followed her gaze to see her staring at the one and only Finn Wolfhard she has had a crush on that dumb jock for years all she does is talk about him whereas I can barely stand that dumbass. "Ahh I see you've spotted 'Prince Charming' haven't you?"i asked rolling my eyes sarcasm in my voice. "Whatever Millie."she said with an eye roll and got out of the car. "Hey Finn!"she yelled playing with her hair then signaling me to get out of the car and talk with them. I did so and walked over to them. "Oh hey Sasha!"Finn said with a smile. "It's Sadie you dumbass."I said rolling my eyes. Sadie slapped my arm. "She doesn't me that she just kidding right Millie!"Sadie said nervously. "No I meant it he is a dumbass, no he is a dumb jock."I said crossing my arms and walking away. "Hey British just cause you don't like me doesn't mean you can be a bitch to me okay."Finn said turning around. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a corner. "What did you just call me?"I asked offended by the word. "I called you a butch grow tougher skin."he said rolling his eyes. "Woah your such an asshole!" I said walking away. "Wouldn't be the first time I've been called that!"He yelled back. "Whatever Wolfhard!"I yelled back flipping him off before turning to go find Sadie.

1409 words!! Coolio well I said they would get longer and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Vote and comment because I love reading them! Much love, -Sophie💘 go follow lolfinnie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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