G & N- Pill

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*Gray's POV*

"OH SHIT!" I yell to myself as I look around more. She's gone. She's fucking gone. "VANESSA!" I yell as I walk around. "NESSA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yell again a little louder. I go towards another path and walk slowly, looking everywhere for Nessa.

"GRAYSON!" I hear her whisper yell. She's close, I can hear her.

"I'm coming, Nessa!" I whisper-yell back, she probably has a reason for staying quiet. I go where I heard Nessa's voice and slowly go towards her.

When I reach where I think Nessa is, I don't see her. Well, I don't see the real Nessa. I see Nessa with the Mavi's costume on, the clone of the real Vanessa Merrell. It didn't see me, but I still backed up a little to get out of it's sight.

I looked behind me to see another Nessa. She's wearing hot pink. This Nessa looks real, but I still want to make sure. I walk towards the girl and grab her by the shoulder, moving her closer to me.

"Are you the real Vanessa Merrell?" I say as I look into her eyes.

"What are you doing? What do you mean? Yes, Grayson! I'm the real Vanessa Merrell!" she says, looking very scared. She still looks suspicious.

"Prove it," I say. She smiles, leans towards me, and kisses me. The kiss feels and tastes just like every kiss with Nessa did. The tingling feeling also proved it was her. "Ok, a kiss doesn't prove anything, but I know it's you now."

"Yay!" she says as she smiles at me. "Now how do we kill the other me? The vampire me?" she asks.

"I don't know. Maybe we could-" I was cut off by the sky turning into a different color and making a static noise.

"Here is an update from the other team," A male voice says. The sky shows a video of Ethan and Roni. Roni is on the ground, just laying there and Ethan is crying, his head on her chest, his arms draped around her. This could only mean one thing.

Roni's gone.

*Nessa's POV*

She's gone. My twin sister, my best friend, my everything is gone. This is what I was afraid of.

I can't move, I can't speak, I can't do anything. I just stand there until my legs give out and I fall to the floor. Gray caught me before I could hurt myself from the impact of the ground.

*Gray's POV*

I can't believe it. It can't be. She can't be gone. WAIT A SECOND!

Didn't Brian say something about a reviving pill?

I hope Ethan remembers about it. Why hasn't he yet? What a dumbnut.

Nessa is crying, her eyes in shock. Her legs give out and I catch her before she could hurt herself.

The footage of Ethan and Roni slowly ends, the ending with Ethan moving his head up, probably realizing something. YES! He probably remembers about the pill!

"Nessa! Don't worry! The pill!" I yell at her. She moves her head slightly, looking at me instead of the now empty blue sky.

"What pill?" I could barely hear her say.

"The reviving pill? Brian said he gave one to both teams. Ethan is smart enough, he'll know it exists. He'll use it, don't worry. Roni's gonna be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I say smoothly, even though I'm really not. "Now stand up, we gotta kill this clone of yours," I say as I help her up. She slowly stops crying and walks normally towards where I saw the Vampire Nessa.

We both walk slowly towards her and take out our weapons.

"You're going down little two sharp teethed ugly person," I say. Okay, that did not make sense and I just technically called my girlfriend ugly, which she's clearly not. "I mean you're very pretty and all but-" I just give up. I see Nessa looking at me, confused with one eyebrow up. "I don't know I felt like insulting it and then realized it looked so similar to you, I just couldn't," I say. She laughs.

It's great to hear her laugh, while her twin sister might not ever come back from heaven.


I know this chapter is a little short and a little all over the place but I made it this short because the next two chapters are gonna be hella long and a lot of things are gonna go down.

This story is sadly coming to an end, I think there's gonna be at least 4-6 more chapters until it's done. Maybe, I don't know for sure. But there will be a sequel! So look out for that!

Also, please check out my original story "Just Three Wishes" and the story that I've been doing with _JustDaniella on the user __DoubleTheTrouble__, and the story I'm doing on here with all the speeches and stuff I write sometimes. It would mean the world if you could go check those out! 😊

I'm gonna be doing shoutouts to amazing people every chapter from now on, so yeah! The first one is: 

Bat206: You're so nice and you've been reading my stories since the beginning. I love your kindness and the number of times you comment on my stories, they always make me laugh, or at least smile from your love. All the compliments you give me and just everything about you is freaking awesome. I'm really thankful to have a person like you reading all my stories, I truly am. You always make me smile when I'm down, and I appreciate that. Thank you for who you are Bayleigh. I love you. 😘

Go check her out, she's an amazing writer as well! :)

I love you guys and the support you guys give me, it really means the world.

Love ya! Bye lovelies!

- Umi 💜

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