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"Because not all stars belong to the sky"

Seokjin shouldn't be doing this.

He shouldn't be abandoning his brother, who was sleeping, at home all alone.

He shouldn't be laying here, on the cool, damp grass, looking up at the stars and feeling the wind tousle his soft, mahogany brown hair.

And he most definitely, shouldn't be sitting so close to his childhood friend, Taehyung, who he most definitely did not have a crush on since he was small. (He did)

It was beautiful out there, the stars gentling twinkling down at him and the ocean waves crashing down at the rocks below. They were sitting awfully close to the cliff, where many was gusted away by the wind into their demise, down in the sharp rocks and gentle lull of the ocean's dark song.

But none of that matter right now, because Seokjin was with Taehyung. Taehyung, whose aura so bright and tempting, draws cold, terrible things that want to engulf the warmth and keep it as their own. Taehyung, the boy who was so effortlessly beautiful and captivating against the harsh, dull world that in which Seokjin lived and breathed in.

Taehyung, who could choose anyone from the village to accompany him in his daily reckless walks to the cliff, just so he could watch the freedom of stars.

Yet he chose him.


Who was everything Taehyung was not.

But because he lacked in what Taehyung overflowed in. So, he evermore was spellbound to this man. For he wanted to have something bright and lovely to fill up the gaping hole in his chest. Since it's simply human nature to want something so desperately out of their reach.


"You ever wonder what it would feel like to be a star, Jin?" Taehyung had once mused over, while they were sitting in the exact same spot they are now.

"Forever in the dark vastness of the sky, shining and alone, with no one to talk too," He'd said, eyes glossing over and arms limp around his sides.

"That's terribly depressing," Seokjin had answered, truthfully, of course.

"Yes, but they are free," Taehyung stretched his hand up to the sky, as if he could touch them. "they're free to do whatever they wish. Shining against the darkness, because that's what they do best, being decorations that other people admire, want, and take." Taehyung said bitterly, muttering the last part until it was almost unrecognizable.

"Yes, but stars can survive only so long, and that said, they do not all shine for the dark," Seokjin said quickly. ", because not all stars belong in the sky. If they wished, they could fall from the sky into the ocean's depths, lighting up the waves and singing the songs of the wind."

"...That's quite true." Taehyung said with a smile ghosting upon his face.

It was one of the moments when Taehyung's smile did not reach his eyes, which terrified Seokjin beyond oceans eyes.



Seokjin snapped out of his memories and turned his head towards the voice he knew so well and loved. He was met with Taehyung's curious gaze and chiseled face that always managed to take his breath away. Seokjin, momentarily, forgot the basic functions of breathing and his face flushed a soft shade of light pink. Though, Seokjin doubted that Taehyung could see this, considering it was nighttime. Even though that thought plagued his mind, he adverted his eyes to the ground and bit his lips shyly anyway.

"Jinnie, you're my best friend, right? So, you trust me?" Taehyung said as gazed at Seokjin with hooded eyes.

Seokjin swallowed thickly, "Of course, TaeTae. I would follow you to the ends of this wretched world, " Then with a weak smile and wispy eyes, Seokjin tried to banish the heavy, tense air surrounding them and humored, "Really, I'm the only one in the village that can handle your personality without going insane, so I guess it's a match."

Seokjin was rewarded with the sound of Taehyung's bright laughter that echoed through the night. And Seokjin knew that he was lost. Lost in the bright laughter. Lost in the cuddles and kisses on the cheeks that invoked crimson cheeks and crescent smiles. Lost in the cheerful, intense mystery that was Taehyung.

"Guess I can't complain. You did always put up with my extremely smart diabolical plans," Taehyung mused, lifting the atmosphere greatly with little to no effort.

"If you meant stupid, then yes, I somehow always joined you in your stupid ideas that you always drag me into," said Seokjin, with an exaggerated eye-roll.

"I heard that Kim Seokjin!" yelled Taehyung, indignantly.


"You're mean." Taehyung said with a cute pout and Seokjin just wanted to melt into a puddle of mush, right there and then; but he kept it together.

They sat in silence for a while after that. It wasn't at all awkward. After all, Seokjin thought, it was never awkward with Taehyung. And when Taehyung finally spoke, Seokjin was wondering if they should head back yet.

"Do know Jungkook?" Taehyung asked in a strange voice. (Seokjin refused to acknowledge the faint blush on Taehyung's cheek, blaming it on the wintry night breeze.)

"Yeah, the son of that famous general, right? The one that looks like an overgrown bunny," said Seokjin after a short while pondering the answer.

"HE ISN'T AN OVERGROWN BUNNY!" Taehyung said loudly, then blushed madly red at the volume of his voice. "I-I mean, h-he's, umm, an n-normal-looking bu-bunny, I-I mean, guy," Taehyung stuttered suspiciously.

Seokjin stared. There was something cold and unforgiving that was wrapping his fragile heart and it was so intense and sharp, Seokjin was sure that it would cut steel. No, he thought. He shouldn't be feeling...whatever this was. He can't and shouldn't get mad at Jungkook; Jungkook whose cute, shy nature and doe-like eyes that screamed untainted purity, that would match Taehyung like honey and milk; sweet, soft, and light. His hands gripped the soft, damp grass beneath him, his long slender fingers clamping around the stalks and his teeth grinding against each other furiously.

"Taehyung," Jin never called TaeTae by his full name; the monotone and icy pitch of his voice had him mentally flinch and curse. "d-do you," Jin swallowed. "Do y-you like this boy?"

Taehyung whipped his head back at Jimin and his face was flaming. In his eyes, there held a light that Seokjin had been trying to ignite for years, in failure. Taehyung fidgeted and kept glancing at the ground as if it would jump up and help him search for an answer. But Seokjin knew, like he always did, what would come out of Taehyung's mouth. For only a fool would mistake the resplendent light that for something else.

And Seokjin was a fool.

A denying, love-stricken fool.

Finally, Taehyung spoke and the world came crashing down at Seokjin's feet.


And at then, Jin knew, like he always did,

Taehyung was lost.

Like the blinding stars in the stone's throw sky.

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