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Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a needle in my eye

Seokjin didn't mind the pitiful gazes of the villagers or the way their eyes constantly flicked down to his ankle, a reminder of what had happened on that faithful day. After the courting had been accomplished, the sea calmed down instantly and the waves no longer tore at Seokjin's skin. Seokjin didn't talk to anyone, didn't dare to meet Jungkook or Taehyung's eye, as he ran all the way back home, tears dripping down his rosy cheeks. The breakdown that took place was one of the worst.

He didn't want to get in the details of what had happened.

He was to be sacrificed on the third full-moon of this month.

Today, thought Seokjin mindlessly, his mind and heart was nothing. A vast void that seemed endless and Seokjin was falling. He kept falling and tripping over nothing and falling on sharp shards of glass, that gouged deep into his skin. Yet he felt no pain.


The events that occurred thoughout the past day had drained Seokjin of every last drop of feeling that he had tried to grasp on to, but failed. Now all that was left of him was this empty shell with a barely beating heart.

Seokjung didn't know yet. Seokjin didn't plan to tell him, but a small part of him knew that he must.

"What a world this is," whispered Seokjin.

He was curled up in a ball, his legs tucked between his chest and the sheets around him were scattered amongst the floor. Seokjin didn't bother to change out of his plain white chiffon or leave his house.

What was the point, Seokjin thought, if I am to be sacrificed like cattle to the sea? Seokjin's stomach grumbled in agony but he paid it no heed. Seokjin was already full of self-despair and pain.

Suddenly, Seokjin hear a knock on the door and hauled himself up to see who is was, even though Seokjin could care less.

Seokjin grabbed the wooden knob and the door swung open, revealing the last two people he wanted to see write now.

Taehyung...and Jungkook.

"Hi," rasped Seokjin, ignoring the flinches that he received in return. "What are you doing here?"

"You look terrible," commented Taehyung with a sad, kicked-puppy look in his eyes. "The chief wanted us to get you ready for the...ceremony."

Seokjin's eyes flicked down at Jungkook's hands and found a flowy, sea green cloth that looked more expensive than anything he ever owned. Then he noticed that Taehyung was holding a worn-out box with pure gold edges and handle that held something that Seokjin was not desperate to find out.

Seokjin stared at them for a long time, taking it all in, before slightly shifting on his feet, a stiff welcome for his unwelcomed guests. Taehyung and Jungkook just awkwardly walked in, their footsteps muted against the splintered, wooden floor. Taehyung then proceeded to rush to the ravaged bed and plop down with a loud sigh. Jungkook watched this with fond eyes and Seokjin tried his best to calm down the raging beast inside his heart.

Jungkook then focused his attention on Seokjin, tearing his eyes away from Taehyung with what seemed like all his willpower. Seokjin would've laughed if he didn't feel so empty inside.

"Umm, here," said Jungkook, handing Seokjin the silken fabric, "You can change into that. The chief wanted me to dress you, but I think neither of us would like that."

Seokjin didn't have the energy to crack a smile or even aknownledge him. He merely grabbed the sea-green cloth and beckoned them to turn around whist he changed. Taehyung immediately went red and pulled Jungkook all the way to the other corner where they stood like wooden sticks.

Today the Moon Shines Brighter on the Blank Spot of My MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now