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I tried desperately to avoid him.. But the house was small, so it was difficult.  But I was terrified to be around him, not knowing it was wrong, but either way I hated it.  Sometimes he would pick me up off the ground so I wasn't able to run away, still breathing that creepy breath into my ear... It's traumatizing.  I'm sure it doesn't sound like it, but unless you were there, you have no right to say. It happened every day. One day I couldn't take it anymore, so I started growing my nails out and clawing my arm, enough to bleed even.  No one new about it. No one new about anything happening to me.  How desperately I wished to tell. But how I was so afraid to be the one that got punished made it so I couldn't say anything. One time he grabbed my arm and yanked my toward him.. Holding me tightly... Rubbing my chest with his hand..... Lifting me up and sliding his hand down my pants.  But this time he kissed my neck.  I was frightened. Afraid he'd rape me...

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