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One day.... I was walking to the kitchen, he grabbed my wrist, tighter then he has before, pulled me on to his lap then lifted me up and threw me on his bed... I was frightened.... So frightened I couldn't move.. Not until he came toward me slowly unzipping his pants while looking at me. I could tell he enjoyed the fear in my eyes so I got up and ran before he could get me. I went across the street to my, at the time, best friend. Luckily she was home so I stayed there until my parents got home. And i acted as if I wasn't so close to being raped. When I got home they were in their room, and he was on the couch. On my way to my room he tried to grab my arm but I ran, that whole night I was paranoid he would come in and rape me because he wasn't able to when he tried and I couldn't sleep... I found a sharpener and I removed the blade. I didn't cut enough to bleed but to break a little skin making it red. It made me feel something. Because I tried so hard to numb what he was doing to me.~~~

I'm sorry I don't know if that makes sense but that's the only way I could describe it.

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