Checking In

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The bell on the door rung as we entered. You could tell this place does not have many visitors from the cob webs in the corners of the ceilings and in between the keys hanging on the wall behind the front desk. Theo and I had decided to keep our relationship secret to the citizens in case they could use that against us. We also decided to change our names, I am now Arden Paige and Theo will be known as Zac Quincey. Theo reaches his long arm to the bell and presses down, the room fills with a light ding and then fades away. An old lady with glasses pushed to the tip of her nose appears from around the the door. She has a confused look on her face and hurries to the counter. This is when I get a better look. Her hair is white with grey strips through out, but pushed into a messy bun being held up by a pencil. A white apron tied around her waist has ruffles around the trim. Obviously she is that perfect old lady who sits in her rocking chair knitting watching the 9'o clock news. She studies us closely for a long moment before she finally asks, "May I help you"

"Yes I am Zac Quincey and this is my sister Arden Quincey, we would like a room please." he was always so polite, adding please or thank you after anything he says.

"Yes of course, may I ask how long your staying?"

"We are unsure yet" I don't know how he was so confident with all of his answers, I would have been stumbling over my words if I had done the talking.

"View of the trees or the town center"

"Which ever is your favorite."

"View of the trees it is then," she started writing things down in her nearly empty log book," y'all from around here?"

"No just passing through."

She turns to the wall and picks the key with a number reading "7" over it. " Oh my gosh how rude of me! Name is Mary!"

"That's a beautiful name" he has a way with people, he knows how to make them smile... even if they live in the sky.

"Why thank you, enjoy your stay!" as she places the key in Theo's hand a tall thin brunette appears behind her.

"Hello, I'm Alana"

We wave and start up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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