Chapter 9

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Fiona entered the town with a heart light as fairy dust. It had been a week since their picnic, and she hadn’t come down from the euphoria Mr. Townsend—Edward-- had placed her in by using the word “betrothed.”

She stood where the haul road met St. Helens’ Main Street, and her eyes flew to the bank. She’d brought him his lunch and hers as well, just like she’d done every day this week. Glancing about at the thick, fluffy clouds dotting the bright blue backdrop of sky, she hoped they would go sit on the park bench at the back of the bank’s property to enjoy their midday meal. And a cuddle or two, as well.

Starting off with her skirts swirling about her striding legs, her heart began to pound at the thought of more kisses from Mr. Town—Edward. Edward liked to kiss. A lot. And he was good at it. Alright. Great at it.

Fiona paused before the bank, mind casting back over their many embraces this week, and she reached out for the hitching post to steady herself. The memories of their kisses weakened her whole body, warming her from within.

Lordy, that day at Horsetail Falls would forever be emblazoned on her brain. After Mr. Townsend had said they should use their Christian names, he’d asked her if she might be amenable to being betrothed to him. As if she wouldn’t! She had nearly sung her answer, which of course was a resounding yes. And then he’d patted the ground beside him, and she had willingly moved to his side. He’d consolidated their agreement with her first real kiss, the most delicious, toe-tingly kiss she’d ever imagined.

Leaning over her, Edward had moved in slowly, eyes meeting hers seeking consent. She had stared up into his face, studying his expression even as she’d felt her heart skip a beat. And then she’d closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel.

Oh, happy day! What a glorious sensation it was to have his lips on hers again, pressing against her mouth with the most delicious intensity. This kiss had been leisurely, not like the one they’d shared outside Cookie’s. This time he’d slowly increased the pressure, dry, smooth lips pulling at hers invitingly, drawing out mewling sounds from her throat. He’d chuckled as she’d fallen atop him, helped her when she’d struggled to throw her arms around his neck.

Totally involved in the embrace, she’d burrowed into him, seeking his heat. She’d tilted her head to allow him more access, resting nearly supine along his slim body.

After several minutes more of his thorough attention, where she nearly embarrassed herself by squirming against him in her efforts to get closer, Edward (she could think of him as Edward now) had grabbed hold of her forearms and gently set her back from him, laughing as breathlessly as she’d sounded.

“Miss—Fiona, we need to stop. Though it’s good to know we like each other well enough.” He’d grinned into her face, tousled hair falling over his eyes boyishly. His breath had been as labored as hers, and she’d smiled widely at him.

Now Fiona straightened her shoulders and marched toward the bank, feeling the first tingles of awareness that meant her body already anticipated more caresses like that first one. They’d shared many kisses and hand-holdings since that picnic, and taken walks after supper at the Lawson’s. She’d even allowed him some latitude with his hands, enjoying the feel of his fingers smoothing over her back, along her waist, stopping just under her breasts at her slight grunt of negation. As much as her body burned for his, she heard her Da’s voice in the back of her mind telling her not to give a man privileges without the benefit of marriage. And she listened.

Entering the bank and hoping her face wasn’t as scarlet as it felt from her recent musings, Fiona stood in the vestibule, allowing her eyes to adjust while she searched for her betrothed behind the counter grille.

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