Chapter 20

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He woke slowly in the chilled room with a crick in his neck. Thought absently that his childhood bed had obviously lost its comfort. Maybe he should have moved to his parents’ bedroom after all, instead of using the room he’d grown up in all this time.

With eyes still closed and a light-hearted feeling washing over him, Edward stretched while searching his memory for why he felt so good this morning. Why he felt like all was once more right in his world.

And met up with an obstruction of his right arm, along with a grunt. A feminine grunt.

He came awake immediately, looked down at his right side. Where curls and curls of long, red hair splayed across his shoulder and down his chest. He turned to stone, while his mind clacked along like a runaway train. The only red haired person he knew was Fiona O’Toole. So, how the hell had he come about to be sleeping with her?

Glancing around his surroundings, he realized he was not in his bedroom, but on the lumpy sofa of Fiona’s sitting room. And they were still both dressed. Relieved that he had not completely lost his marbles and debauched an innocent, he cast his thoughts back to what had transpired before.

He remembered their agreement to start courting, how happy he’d felt at their decision. It was the source of the well-being he’d experienced upon waking. He recalled that he’d been ready to leave, to let Fiona rest since she’d had such a trying day, but she’d talked him into another piece of cake and a warm up on coffee. He couldn’t have resisted either, as well as the chance to perhaps hold her close…

“Would you like another piece of cake before that long walk in the rain? Perhaps another cup of coffee to warm your insides?” Fiona looked up into Edward’s face, and he could see the gold flecks within the green of her eyes. Realized she felt just like he did. Neither wanted the evening to end, not after they’d just agreed to begin courting.

Given the choice of cake or kissing, Edward leaned toward swooping down and capturing that wide, inviting mouth, but decided against the move. He thought it might be too soon after they’d just come to a tenuous agreement. But oh, now that she’d accepted him, he found curbing that part of his appetite hard to do. But he reluctantly chose cake.

“I’d love another piece. Only, let me get it. You sit down.” He felt her eyes on him as he strode to the kitchen, smiled a tiny smile that he’d caught her off guard with his suggestion. He wanted to show her he’d definitely changed his attitude. That this leopard had indeed lost its spots. And found that puttering in her kitchen, waiting on her, salved the desire to plunder her mouth, to seek a longer lasting dessert.

On his return his smile widened, for she studied his burden as if he were a toddler carrying a cup of milk. Reaching up to take the plate and mug of coffee, she muttered a quiet “Thank you” while he settled himself beside her. Close beside her.

Taking a bite, he once more savored the delicate flavors of her cake mixed with the coffee. Decided he’d gladly wait on her every day if this is what he got to look forward to at every meal.

 “So, how’s the hat business,” he ventured, his new Edward determined to show an interest in all of her, not just her baking prowess and mobile lips. Though her proximity, her scent, and her warmth all wreaked havoc on his senses.

She sighed, alerting him that her answer would not be favorable. Curiously, his heart sank at the thought, when before her sigh would have been cause for jubilation. He’d certainly grown this past month, it would seem.

 “It’s slowed down considerably. And the mending I do takes all my time. It’s not very creative, either.” She paused. Looked down at her cake as if to avoid making eye contact. He paused in the act of swirling up the last crumbs off his plate with his fork. Canted his head to the side to better look at her. She shot him a sideways glance and mumbled, “I might have opened the shop too soon.”

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