1 - Juliet

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Everyone in the lair was on edge or completely loose. A few days had passed since Naomi told Mikito that she remembered. After that, though, she hadn't come clean. Even after Mikito's begs and constant questions she had shook her head and went back to her phone. Me? I was simply watching. I was hurting on the inside because of how hard this was for both of them. 

The days had been… awkward at best. The guys and April were celebrating their victory over the Kraang, whereas us girls were growing all the more distant. Honestly I couldn't stand being in the middle. I couldn't do anything, say anything. And to pick one over the other would just make things more difficult, more tense, especially after the fact that Mikito thought that I had replaced her as Naomi's friend. It wasn't my fault that the lizard remembered stuff after seeing me.

Because of the distance between the two each of us hadn't really been in contact with one another. Besides sleeping in the same room there's been practically nothing said or done between the three of us. Thankfully the guys hadn't noticed all that much. Their celebration was distracting them. And that was good enough for me.

The distraction was what I needed. It was what was needed to get to know the turtles around the lair all the better. They seemed… loose, themselves, not at all stressed out like they were when we first met. Although they seemed to have stayed in their general personalities.

The blue one - Leonardo - always seemed to have something going on. Whether it be a game or watching shows. Depending on the game I tried to join in, but the shows weren't my taste. The orange one - Michelangelo - was a goofball. He was constantly hyper and optimistic, always wanting to do something. He'd be dragging someone new to skateboard, play games with, or race down the sewer tunnels to get pizza. The purple one - Donatello - had something going on constantly in the background of their celebration. He seemed to be the more level headed one of the group in this trying time. I couldn't help but to wonder why. Everything seemed to be going okay. Then, finally, the red one - Raphael - was usually seen with a little turtle or picking on the others, including myself. I didn't particularly like it, or him, but I put up with it. He only seemed to poke less at Naomi than anybody else.

So I had picked my turtle to try and get to know better: Donnie. I guess it only helped that he was the one that was in charge of the lab. Although needles and a lot of whatever was in the containers freaked me out I was always glad to help. I was a nurse before all this, so it just helped calm my nerves thinking that I was just back at work. Only surrounded by tech instead of medicine, and mutants instead of humans. Win some, lose some.

Oh, yes, I am Julie. I am the chimera mutant the guys and the girls found and released the night they rescued Kirby and fought off the newt. I've been in the corners until now because I wasn't sure what was going on. Now it seems the lair has welcomed me a little better. Besides the two girls who were trying their damndest to not go at each other's throats.

Currently I was in the lab on a chair. Donnie was on the ground not too far from the subway garage entrance. He was underneath a long cylinder object that was covered by a sheet. Sure the guys were celebrating, but I did notice Donnie usually had to tinker in his lab at least once a day. The chair I was on was able to spin, and that's exactly what I was doing. Spinning 'round and 'round.

A sound at the doorway caught my attention. I slammed a foot down to the ground to stop my spinning to see Naomi looking at Donnie as if she had just spotted him, and walking toward him. My ears perked as she neared the staff wielder. 

"Hey. Don," she started. Donnie didn't startle. Instead he pushed out from underneath the contraption and looked up at her without asking her anything. Her tail twitched and she crossed her arms in a protective manner, "Out of curiosity… Is there a way to… I don't know… Maybe get our memories back?"

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