2 - Mikito

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The guys were staring at the flashing orb for a long moment before Donnie started for the lab. The others followed after him leaving Julie and I in the main room. Neither of us had followed then. I was pretty sure neither of us would follow them.

Now alone I looked at Julie. Her focus was still toward the lab where the guys had disappeared toward. We've still not spoken much to each other since that night, but I was tired of avoiding it. The tension between us wasn't going to be good for the team— girls, guys, or both. 

Coming up to her, the ears twitched toward me first before her head followed suit. As soon as she noticed it was me she seemed to tense up. Ugh, no! That's not what I want! My hands gripped into fists at my side as I tried to keep that in my throat.

"Hey, uh… Julie," I started awkwardly. She seemed to relax only a little. "I, uh… Was wondering if we could just… hang out? Just the two of us? While the guys were gone, anyway." Her head tilted with the changed expression of curiosity. As if she was asking why. My shoulders raised and a hand went and rubbed at the back of my head. "Well, I mean… I don't really know you. Not like… Naomi does."

Her hands raised and she started acting out something. Donnie had said that she was signing. I didn't understand any of it. I blinked awkwardly and shook my head, "Eh… I… Julie… It's… it's okay if you don't." Why else would she start frantically signing?

A huff of air left her lungs as she lowered her hands. She looked annoyed. Just as she seemed to try signing something her eyes drifted away from me to behind me. I couldn't help but to follow her gaze. Sure enough Naomi was coming back out of the rooms. The noise in the main room had quieted so she must've thought everyone was elsewhere. Which they were.

This needed to end. This… secrecy. This tension. But as soon as my eyes landed on her and her eyes to me, her tail flicked and she headed into the kitchen. Just as she entered the room the guys left the lab. Donnie had in his hands a device that he was holding close to his chest. That told me one thing: Important.

Mikey waved at me before leaving. Not even gonna ask if we wanted to tag along this time. Then again it was Kraang involved so… No. I for sure knew Julie didn't want to go. I saw her reaction when the orb came on. It was like she'd seen a ghost. They were gone before I could do anything else.

Which left only one thing to want to do while they were gone: talk to Naomi. If the celebration was over then surely everything would go back to normal? Everything so serious? Right? I thought so. And this was a serious topic! A topic of the possible answers to who we were before our time here in the sewers!

So with that in mind I took a deep breath and started for the kitchen. Behind me I heard a soft grumbling sound. I assumed it was Julie and continued. Arriving at the kitchen's covered entrance I pushed it aside. Naomi's head was in the fridge, tail swaying left and right as her hands were searching for something.

I cleared my throat as I stepped in. Her movements froze. This… was going to be interesting. As I stepped into the kitchen more she stood straight. Her back stayed to me as she shuffled around the kitchen more. I decided to settle on one of the seats to relax on while she was going this way and that.

We didn't say anything for a while. Julie eventually came into the kitchen as well. The silence between us was practically deafening. Pretty sure I could hear Splinter shuffling around in the dojo getting ready for tea. Or was training. Wait… Did Splinter train on his own? He trained us but I've never thought about him training on his own.

Naomi dropped a pan that clattered onto the ground. I jumped and looked at her. She grumbled something unintelligible and picked it up.

"Are you okay?" I broke the verbal silence. It was like Leo himself was here just to cut the air with a katana. "With the… pan…"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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