i went to a danceee👌

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I went to a dance at my schoooooool it was lit bro.(-cringes-)

There was a dance off, not like in the movies where people can magically dance well. I showed my friends on hangouts a video of the dance off😂 Since im older my parents let me stay after school with my friends till the dance ends.

I bought popcorn even though i shouldnt eat it because i got braces but whatever😂 hot dogs were great👌

Nobody was dancing till the dj put on Mexican music. Oh lord that was fun! There was a bunch of 6th graders though, at my school 6th graders are annoying. I used to be one and I hated it tbh.  Also in my school the 7th and 8th graders are always are rude to the 6th graders😂 good thing im not one👍

This one girl at the dance kept calling my karya. I just let her think my name was kayra because i didnt care😂 It was funny.

I just want to say thank you to my friend linda. She doesnt have wattpad she just stayed with me in the dance. I took a picture with my other friends and this one boy was in the picture that I didnt have a clue who it was😂

I dressed to the dance like I would dress any day because I can't dance in dresses. People were mostly jumping and calling it dancing😂

Byeeeee love you all✌✨

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