The King is Pranked

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(Author's Intro) "Arya Stark comes to King's Landing with a special training mission torment someone important five times, and who better to play pranks on then the King."

It was early in the morning. Sansa woke up and looked across the room. She was surprised to see her sister Arya sitting on her clothing drawer eating an apple.

"I must not be fully up yet." Sansa said to herself, looking at the bed to see if she was still sleeping. She turned to look back at Arya only to have an apple thrown at her face.

"You're not dreaming silly, why are you still asleep anyway? It's 8:00 AM."

"Arya want are you doing here?" Sansa asked in a super surprised voice. "Last I heard you went to Bravos to become an assassin."

"I did. In fact the reason I'm here is my training. I need to torment an important person five times without getting caught in twenty four hours."

"So you came all this way to torment someone, not to visit me?" Sansa asked in a sad voice.

"I'm happy to see you, but we really have nothing in coming." Arya replied jumping off the drawer.

"That's true." Sansa replied. "Well it's great to see you as well, and it better not be me you're planning on tormenting."

"It's not you, its King Joffrey." Arya replied. Sansa started to laugh.

"Arya as funny as that sounds Joffrey is always guarded, and the Red Keep is full of guards. There is no way you are going to get near Joffrey."

"I've already done one." Arya replied with a smile.

"What did you do?" Sansa asked.

"You will find out soon." Arya replied. "Now excuse me I need to set up a few more things." Arya went over to the window and did a back flip out of it.

Ten minutes later Joffrey woke up. He stretched his arms and breathed the morning air in. A few seconds later Joffrey was coughing as a horrible smell filled his nostrils. Joffrey quickly rolled out of bed and ran out of the room.

"Guards! Guards!" He screamed. Seconds later every guard in the sleeping chamber was in front of him. "There is a horrible smell in my room!" Joffrey yelled shacking his finger at the door. "I order you to find it and remove it." Two guards went in, but quickly came out because of the smell.

"My king!" One of them screamed. "The smell is so bad it is impossible to find its source. You will need to send the Maester's to locate it!" Joffrey went to get Grand Maester Pycelle, it took Pycelle ten minutes to get up, and another fifteen to get over to the kings chamber. It was only 9:00 and Joffrey was already boiling.

"Your Grace it appears a terrible odor is coming from your chamber. If you're having uncontrollable bladder or stool movements I can give you something to control them."

"I am not having either!" Joffrey screamed. "There is a smell in my chamber. "I want you to find it and remove it. Pycelle started to walk into the chamber but was soon stopped by the smell.

"Your Grace I must go get some equipment before I can proceed." Half an hour later Pycelle returned with a medieval gas mask. "Your Grace this device may look like a bird's beak but it really is a remarkable piece of equipment that can be used to shield someone from gas and strong odors."

"I don't care!" Joffrey screamed. "Get in there and find the smell!" Pycelle went into Joffrey's Chamber and a few minutes later returned.

"Your Grace I located the source, someone replaced your beds straw with dung."

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