Pokemon Master Joffrey, and the Visitors from Dorne.

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(Authors intro) "Finally getting his Master and Ultra balls Joffrey sets out to capture the enemy beasts. Meanwhile at home the visitors from Dorne arrive."

Joffrey angrily rode across the king's road. Once again he had failed to kill Robb Stark, and to make matters worse he was in his underwear and stuck with a whining Lancel. Joffrey was about halfway to King's Landing when he spotted a horse and carriage with two large crates in the back of it. Joffrey was hoping the crates had some clothes, so he rode over to the carriage and ordered the driver to stop. It took the carriage driver a few seconds to realize the mud covered person in his underwear was the king.

"By the gods Your Grace what happened!?"

"The king was in a terrible battle, he was victorious but lost his clothes in the process. The carriage driver looked shocked.

"That is horrible! These are dangerous times. One of the dragon queen's dragons almost torched me on my way from the harbors." Joffrey clinched his fists with rage remembering what happened to his restaurant.

"Good carriage diver what is in those crates? The king needs new clothes."

"Actually Your Grace these were to be delivered to you. They are some type of weapon from a faraway land." A feeling of joy filled Joffrey as he ran to the back of the carriage and ordered Lancel to open the crates. Joffrey smiled widely as he saw his Ultra balls and Master balls. Joffrey ordered the carriage driver to let him use his carriage. The carriage driver removed his horses and hooked up Joffrey's and Lancels horses to the carriage. Joffrey thought about taking the carriage drivers clothes, but since he was a fat man there was no point.

"My King." Lancel said. "Let's hurry back to King's Landing, there may be dragons in the area!"

"Lancel we are going to return to Robb Stark's camp and get his Direwolf, and then capture Daenerys Targaryen dragons!" A feeling of horror filled Lancel's body.

"No please my king! We can't!" Lancel quickly tried to think of a reason not to go. Finally he screamed. "You have no clothes and will get sick!" In his excitement Joffrey had forgotten, he thought about what to do for a few minutes then looked at Lancel.

"Lancel you still have your clothes. Remove them and give them to your king."

"No, my king I cannot go running around in my underwear. I will get sunburned during the day and at night I will get frostbit!"

"Lancel the king orders you to give him your clothes!" Joffrey started to tug at Lancels shirt. It took a bit of fighting but Joffrey finally had Lancels shirt and pants. After Joffrey was dressed he ordered Lancel into the cart and the two headed off the capture a Direwolf.

After a day of riding Joffrey once again found the Stark camp. The Starks had moved a few miles from their original location, but a small army was easy to track, even for a fool like Joffrey. Again Joffrey waited until nightfall and then slowly slithered over to the large cage Greywind was in. Joffrey ordered Lancel to be quiet or else they would both be killed. A wide eyed Lancel followed behind Joffrey carrying a bag of ultra-balls. Joffrey laid down a few feet from Greywinds cage. He motioned for Lancel to hand him a ball. Joffrey smiled sinisterly as he took the Ultra ball from Lancel's shacking hand.

"Now I'll have your wolf Robb Stark." Joffrey said to himself as he threw the ball. Joffrey waited a few seconds until he heard Greywind moving around. Joffrey slammed the ground.

"Lancel give me two more balls." Joffrey threw one, and another one a few seconds later. Joffrey heard nothing for a few seconds. He smile at Lancel because he thought his plan had worked. He got up, then Greywind slamming against the cage causing him and Lancel to fall over.

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