Part Twenty:- First Day Of School.

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3 months later, after a two week holiday, everyone was back at Hawkins High including Michael Wheeler.

He looked a lot more brighter and was even smiling.
He was surrounded by a lot of people, talking, socializing. Not much like the old him.

When El entered school she saw him, but was too afraid to see Mike since the last time she saw him he was a complete mess.

The young girl looked at the crowd and swerved around it, making her way to the track behind the school for running.
She still ran, it made her feel better and better each time.

El changed her shoes and took the large sweater she was wearing off before placing her hair into a ponytail and setting herself down on one of the lanes.

Just as she was about to start, she heard the familiar booming voice of the school's head of Sports: Mrs Hudson, not much of a sporty name though.

"What are you doing out here?", she asked.

"Running.", replied Eleven.

"Let's see what you've got.", said the teacher, taking out her timer.

El looked back forward before sprinting across the track, competing a round in a matter of seconds.
She pretend she was running for her life. What she'd been doing all this time.


From the Demogorgon.

Real-life human monsters.

Her problems.

Finally, she got back.

"Wow, your fast kid."


"See me at lunch."

As soon as Mrs Hudson left, the bell rang and it was time for El's first class: Science.


Mike sat down in his usual seat, feeling happier than ever, but sad that he still hadn't seen Eleven yet.

Just before the second bell rang the last lot of students came in, one of them being El.

She had forgotten her Mike was in the same class.
And went to sit with him only because there were no more seats left.

When Mike looked back at her, she had the same look apart from she looked competent different.

She wasn't just a pretty young girl, she had a different beauty. A Bretagne than stirred him into a new deeper love.

"Hey,", said Michael. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, hi."

After that, not much more conversation went on. Most of it was just about the lesson they were doing.

Finally, first period was over, "So, my mom wanted me to throw a welcome back pool party at my dad's. I invited everyone and was wondering if you wanted to come."

"Um, yeah sure."

"Great.", Michael packed the rest of his things before heading to his second period: double math.


Over at lunch, El came to Mrs Hudson who was outside with the track team.
Only soon to realize Mike was on the other side, sitting above the bleachers with his 'friends'.

"Jane, this is the track team, track team this is Jane. You are now on the team, you start today."

The 16-year-old realized what was happening, not expecting to be put on a team.

"Stretches and warm-up first."

All the girls seemed to know what to do so El Just followed.

"So, Jane?"

"Jane Ives."

"Aren't you Jonathan's sister?"


"Lucky. He's so hot."

El scrunched her eyebrows at the comment, not used to people calling her older brother 'hot'.

Finally, everyone had finished warming up and it was time to do the actual running.

As everyone did so, Eleven seemed to be the only one no-one could keep up with.

And she wasn't even trying that hard.

At the end, it seemed to be that the youngest person on the team was the fastest.

"Wow, your fast.", said a voice to El as she was about to leave the track.


"You're great.", he added.

"T-thanks.", Eleven stuttered, caught off guard.

"Anyways, got to go. I have to see one of the teachers before the bell actually goes."

"See you later."

"See ya."


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