Chapter 1

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"I love the rain!!!! What do you think Gogo?"I practically screamed in her ear. " Its kinda legit" she screamed back.

So Gogo is my "twin". Notice how I put airquotes around twin seeing as we are not blood relatives but we call ourselves twins anyway. OK so I'm going straight into the situation...
        We were going to get our drinks from our short break between classes then I went ahead to get some. The drink colours our mouths purple so I stick my bottom lip in my mouth while the drink is in my mouth,you know just to make my lips purple😉 I came out of the cafe to go and pack my books for the next period but since we were still on break and it was raining, I decided to walk around, then this guy comes up(cuteness of 101%!!!)then he goes on to ask " Oh hey,why are your lips purple?" and I'm like "I kissed a guy"(totally being sarcastic). Then the guy who by the way is called Bryan then says " Ooo can I have one?" and being the naive and playful person I am agreed but I didn't think before I said it!!!!
          OK so he leaned towards me then pressed his lips against my artificially purple-coloured lips in front of everyone! To be really honest it was my first kiss.

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