{T W E N T Y T W O}

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You dipped your toes into the darkness,
as though to test if it was cold.
And I knew right when you shivered,
you were more scared then you had told.
I wrote my words into a life ring.
Something to keep your world afloat but,
against the strength of your nightmare
they were a soggy paper boat.
I don't know what the blackness told you,
what wondrous things it plannend to give.
but, I watched the light died in your eyes,
along with you will to live.
I screamed you name to piece the silence
but, you were too long gone to hear.
Caught somewhere between being noticed
and wanting to dissapear.
You once said you were never scared of darkness,
and that you have never learnt to swim but,
with it's promises pumped through your veins,
you hold your breathe,
and jumped right in

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