Chapter 4:

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You know that feeling when you wake up and you know your going to have a great day,your hair curls perfectly,your face looks like you've been in the Bahamas for a week,and your cloths look great,well I was having one of those days.Today I was wearing a black tank top with "Ain't nobody got time for that "written in big red capital letters ,a pair of black trackies and of course my red high tops.just as I finished getting ready my phone buzzed,I walked over to my bed side table and opened the message.

Aunty Rose : I'm still at work,don't know when I'll be home have a good day. Xx

I sighed and put down my phone,aunty Rose is hardly ever home,she works at the hospital as a nurse and with all the hurt people she gets called in all the time,it was good that she was helping people it just made me sad some times when I didn't see her for days.but I wasn't going to let that ruin my mood.I grabbed my keys and got In the car just as I was about to start the engine my phone started to ring.

"Hello"I said as I answered the phone.

"Hey girl are you going to school today"I knew straight away it was taylor.

"Yeah I am,are you" I asked cheerfully.

"Yeah I'll see you there bye "she said sweetly.

"Bye" I said as I hung up the phone.

I turned on the engine and sped of towards school,as I drove into the parking lot everybody's heads turned like they did on the first day.I grabbed my stuff and jumped out of my car,straight away I felt a hand grab onto my wait,my instincts kicked in and I elbowed my attacker in the stomach,I felt the hands loosen around my waist,I took my chance I wiggled my way out of my attackers grasp and ran like a bat outta hell.

When I got into the halls I calmed down and looked behind me to see if anyone was chasing me,after a few seconds I was satisfied that my attacker was gone,I started to feel tingles and sparks from where my attacker was holding me,hmm that's wired I thought to myself but shrugged it off.

As I made my way to my science I seen taylor competing towards me.

"Hey what have you got"Taylor asked me with a smile.

"Science what do you have "I said smiling back.

"Oh tic tacs I have sport"she exclaimed as her smile disappeared.

"Tic tacs really,sometimes I wonder about you"I said as I lifted one eyebrow and smiled .

"I should be the one worried about you your the one who says fudge muffins all the time"Taylor exclaimed whit a evil smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever "I said rolling my eyes.

Rrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnggggg(that was the bell)

"Oh I better get to class I don't want to be late"Taylor said while pulling me in for a hug .

"Same,I'll see you after school"I said pulling back from the hug.

As I was walking to class everybody was looking at me wired.

One boy walked past me and said "nice move "with a smirk.

What the skittles was he talking about.

I walked into class and sat down in the back corner looking out the window,the weather was absolutely stunning today the sun was shining not a cloud in sight,I'm a winter girl all the way but I could still appreciate a nice summers day.Just then Ryder walked in and he gave me a pointed look and scowled at me,damm he was hot with that look on his face oh and that body I could-stop It Skyler he's just a boy a really hot boy-I really need to stop with the dirty thoughts.Ryder made his way over and sat down next to me his hand over his ribs,me being the nosy person just had to ask what happend.

"Why do you have your hand over your ribs"I asked concern in my voice.

"You don't know....oh boy "he said amusement in his voice.

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew "I said in a duh tone.

"Hey I heard you got attacked this morning"he said while holding back a chuckle

"Yeah I did but what does that have to do with ......oh ....Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to I thought you were trying to kidnap me or something"I said apologetic.A small chuckle escaped his lips.

"Took you long enough,you should be sorry you caused me a lot of pain you know"Ryder said trying to be serious but I could tell he was just playing around.

"Yeah I know sometime I'm a little bit unobservant,is there anything I can do to make it better"I asked sincerely.

"Well there is one thing you could do to make me feel a little better "he said with a wink.Oh no what have I done.

"W-what's that"I asked worriedly.he smirked as I started to get nervous,he lifted up his shirt a big bruise was forming on his lower rib cage.

"You can kiss it better"he said amusement in his voice.

"Seriously" I asked with on eyebrow raised.a smirk spread across his lips.

"Well you did brutally attack me,the least you could do is kiss it better"Ryder said

"Oh playing the guilt card so low man so low"I said playfully.

"Please can you say no to this face"he said as he stuck out his bottom lip and pouted and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

Could I say no to that face no no I couldn't.

"Fine "I said with a sigh leaning down to kiss it just a few inches away from his tummy i heard somebody.

"Uhm "the teacher gave me that look that all teachers give you when your in trouble."I hope you weren't planing to do anything inappropriate in my class miss"the teacher said still giving me the same look as before.

"No sir I wasn't,I promise"I said embarrassed.

Sir walked over to his desk and started the lesson.Ryder threw at note at me and I was more than surprised to say the least at what it said.

I still want my kiss red I don't care if it on my tummy or my lips but it gunna happen.




This chapter is dedicated to a few people:






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