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I wake up when Jennifer rolls away from me and grabs her phone. I look over and smile as I see her bare back. "Good morning." I mutter, dragging my hand over her soft skin. She looks back at me and smiles with her messy hair surrounding her face, "morning." She groans, "Aaron sent me a picture." Jen shows me her phone while pulling the sheets against her naked body. I smile and take her phone, putting it on the opposite side of me. "What are you doing?!" She asks. "Shh." I say and grab her body and pull her closer to me. "Leah, we have to go pick Matteo up." She insists. "Before 1:00 this afternoon... it is 9:00am and I am not done loving you yet. So lay down and shut up." I say and kiss her shoulder. She sighs and relaxes again.

I keep my arms around her and she grabs my hands and plays with my fingers. "I really love you." She says. I smile and kiss her skin softly, "I love you so much more." She giggles and faces me, but doesn't speak. "Best sex?" I ask her and she looks at me funny. "What?" "Our best sex.... when?" I ask. She giggles and lifts the sheets up so that she can move over and straddle me. "In London.... that was pretty great. Or maybe when you came back here after you found out I was pregnant." She says. I smile and rub my hands up her thighs and I watch her get chills all over her body.

I bite my lip and take my eyes away from her face and look her naked body up and down as she sits on top of me. "Stop!" She says and grabs my chin, making me look at her eyes again. I laugh and shake my head, "you're beautiful." "Okay, well.... Don't stare at me." She says and tries not to laugh. I smirk at her and let my eyes wander over her body again, this time I notice that her nipples are hard and she's completely covered in chills. I take my hand and press it against her stomach and slide it down in between her legs. She inhales sharply and I touch her gently. "I'm so happy I get to fuck you for the rest of my life..." I say. She grins and bites her lip. I push my fingers into her and she closes her eyes and exhales.

I pull her down and kiss her slowly while my fingers continue pleasing her until she orgasms. She slowly kisses her way down my body and then between my legs and I let her. When she finally climbs off of me I slap her ass and smile at her. "Stop!" She laughs. I grin and she gets out of bed and walks her perfect, naked self into the kitchen. When she's gone I just smile and close my eyes as I lay my head back, thinking about my life. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings and it's my mom....

She informs me that my brother and his wife are in town and she invited Jennifer and I over for lunch around 1:30 today. Yikes.... this is going to be fun.

* * *

"Hi my baby!" Jennifer gets all excited when she sees Matteo and she kisses his little face multiple times. Aaron smiles, "he was great." "He always is!" Jennifer says and sits down with him. I look at Aaron and he raises his eyebrows and I laugh, "oh yes...." I say and we both laugh very hard. Jennifer glances over and cuts her eyes at me, "what's funny?" "Nothing, nothing." I say and Aaron can't even look in her direction. "You're talking about sex, aren't you?" She asks and stands up. Aaron bites his cheek and looks down. "Mmhm... since you're so damn hot..." I tease and smack her thigh as I kiss her cheek. "I hate you both." She rolls her eyes. "It's a compliment..." Aaron jokes.

We gather all of Matteo's things and say our goodbyes. Now, the fun part... my parents house for lunch.

As soon as we pull into the driveway Jennifer starts freaking out. "Leah, I don't know if thi-" I grab her hand and shake my head, "shh, don't do that. It's fine! You know it'll be fine." "I'm just nervous." "You have nothing to be nervous about. Grab his bag and I'll carry him in." I say and she nods. We walk into the house and I see my brother right away.

"Danny, hey." I say and he puts his hands in his pockets. "That's new." He says and points to Matteo. "This is Matteo." I say and he looks at me, really confused. "Who does it belong to?" "He belongs to us..." Jennifer says and steps in behind me, laying her hand on my waist. "Jennifer..." Danny mumbles. "Hi." She says and keeps her hand on my back. "I didn't know there was a baby in the picture with you two. Mom told me you were together again, but mentioned nothing about this." He laughs and Jennifer touches Matteo's cheek and smiles, "just trying to catch up with you I guess." She smarts.

About this time a little girl with jet black hair and green eyes runs into the room and clings to my brother's leg. "Daddy! I want to go play outside!" She begs. Danny lifts up the girl and she gets shy. "This is Jennifer." He says. The girls know me, but they don't. They know they have an aunt Leah but that's about it. "And this... is your aunt Leah." Danny explains.

This is one hell of a family gathering. I can't even deal with Danny anymore. He's... impossible. Jennifer, Matteo and myself enter the kitchen and I see my sister-in-law and my parents standing there. "Oh my goodness! Give him here!" My mom says and takes the baby. Like I said, my mom is super supportive and loves Matteo like her blood grandchild, so it's good to have her. Jennifer smiles and hugs my mom. "Good to see you!" She says. "You too, honey. You look amazing!" My mom compliments. I look at Jennifer with the "I told you so" face and she shakes her head. I kiss her cheek and lay my head on her shoulder.

Maybe if we just hang around my mom the entire time things will go smoothly. Danny is where the problem lies...

My Boyfriend's Sister (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now