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Leaving Jennifer while I go to London was harder the second time than it was the first. There were lots of tears, more so from her, but I've just landed back in London and I'm headed straight to the office. 

I made sure to text her right when I landed and she is already saying she misses me. This isn't going to be an easy thing, the long distance relationship, that is. I think we can make it work because we do love each other, but nothing about it is easy.

* * *

It's day four of me being back in the office and I'm feeling the love from everyone here. I can't get two minutes of peace and quiet without someone coming to say hi to me. I try to be nice, but I'm considering putting a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door to keep everyone out. 

Once it finally gets quiet... another knock. 

"What?!" I yell and look up. I see Daria standing there. I close my eyes and sigh and motion for her to come inside. "I'm sorry, I'm stressed." I say and shake my head. 

She closes the door and sits down. "Yeah? Sorry to hear... it's good to see you again. I missed your face." She says with a grin. 

  I smile and nod my head, "it feels good to be back to work." I admit. Just as she starts to speak, my office phone rings. I answer and it goes to speaker, automatically projecting the voice into my office.


"Leah. I miss you." Jennifer whines from the other end of the line. 

I grin bit at the sound of her voice, "I miss you too, you okay? What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm fine... I'm just laying here...naked and wishing I had you fucking me." She says innocently.

As soon as she says it Daria's jaw drops and I bite my lip and close my eyes. Shit. "Umm-" I pause.

Daria chimes in, "hi Jennifer." 

"Am I on speaker?!" Jennifer hisses, clearly not expecting that.

I laugh quietly and shake my head and pull my hand over my face. Thank god it was just Daria and not someone else. Daria does everything she can to hold her laughter in. "Yeah, babe. I'll call you later. I love you." I say and she hangs up without another word.

"Oops." I say and Daria shakes her head at me. 

"So you two are back on?" She asks me. 

"Yeah... we are. She broke up with Aaron and we got together." I say, realizing that it does sound a bit foolish when I say it out loud. 

 Daria nods her head, "she's hot, Leah. Don't mess it up." 

"I don't have plans too, Daria. And I know... right? She's- mm." I gush, now thinking about how hot Jennifer really is. 

"What's she like in bed?" She presses. 

I hesitate, but answer her anyway, "amazing. She's so effortlessly sexy. Her eyes- ugh." I say and shake my head while looking up at the ceiling. 

"You're so dramatic!" She says. 

"No... you don't understand. Look- close those blinds!" I say, now eager to prove my point. 

She gets up and closes all of the blinds so that no one can see inside my office, and I grab my personal MacBook from my bag. I navigate my way to Jennifer's folder and click on one of the pictures I took before I left.

Daria walks around my desk and looks at it, eyes getting wide. "Woah..." she says and then looks closer. 

"She'd kill me if she knew you saw that, but I had to show someone. I can't just have these pictures and do nothing with them." I say and she clicks over to the next one. 

I snatch the computer away from her and laugh a little, "no! One is enough. I'll get in trouble for showing you the rest. She's hot, but she's mine." I smirk and close the MacBook.

"Well if I wasn't turned on when I saw you, I definitely am now." She flirts and fans herself with her hand. 

I laugh and stand up, "let's grab lunc-" I'm cut off when Daria kisses me and grabs my was it firmly. She pulls back and I just look at her. "Daria... what are you doing? You know I'm with her." I remind her, though she shouldn't need reminding seeing as that we just had a conversation. 

Daria puts her hands up in surrender, "I know, I know. I just missed you and- that, that was goodbye. Okay? Now let's go do lunch." She says. 

I shake my head at her reasoning and justification, and we leave my office together.

Daria and I talk a lot about Jennifer and what our relationship is like over lunch, and she mentions me going back to see her. I keep thinking about that... I want to go back and just be with her twenty-four-seven, but I have other obligations here that I can't just abandon. It's tough being in love with someone who lives oceans away.

"Thanks for lunch, Leah. I missed you." Daria says as we walk back outside. 

"No problem. We can get together this weekend, yeah?" I suggest.

"That'd be good. Just text me. Have a good rest of the day at work." She says and kisses my cheek before walking off in the other direction to get a cab. 

I head back to work and I've got my mind set on no distractions, just finishing up this important stuff by the time I go home. Shockingly enough, I'm able to finish everything and make it home at a decent hour.

I FaceTime Jennifer while I cook myself dinner and she's not being very talkative at all. I know that's partially because of what happened earlier, but I don't think that's worth a silent treatment.

"You okay?"

 "I'm fine." 

"That's a lie, tell me what's on your mind." I push.

 She sighs and bites her cheek, "I just don't feel good, I miss you and work is stressing me out." She frowns. 

"I'm sorry to hear that... why don't you just relax for the rest of the day? Is there anything I can do to help with work stuff?" I ask. 

"Unfortunately not. It's all confidential shit that I can't share with anyone." She says and rolls her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, babe. Speaking of.... Aaron won't try to have you fired, will he?" I ask her, knowing that he is the one who put her in the position she's in. "He shouldn't. I don't really think he can as long as I'm doing good work." She says. "Good. Has he spoken to you?" "Not one on one. We had a board meeting today and he was there... we had to talk throughout the meeting but it didn't get personal." She says. "Okay... Well you know I'm just a call away. I'm gonna get some sleep. I love you." I say and she smiles and blows me a kiss, "I love you too."

My Boyfriend's Sister (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now