chapter 2

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Frisky p.o.v.

It was about midnight and me and everyone was asleep exsept for me and Chara. Monster kid and asreal fell asleep on each other. Suddenly we heard crying. This woke mister kid and asreal. Then a little figer ran out of the room that Papyrus and sans were in. The little figer takeld azzy.
"Whow what!" Asreal tells wen the small figer takeld him. Chara jumped to turn the lights on. Wen they were we saw the little figer was actually a little skelleten.
"Uncle azzy I had a nightmarer!" The small Skellaten said in a familiar voice.
"PAPYRUS!?!?!?" We all yelled.
The small Skellaten was raped in a blanket probably because his clothes didn't fit.

I got up and walked towards the rooms as azzy and the others tryed to comfort lil Papy. I slowly open the door to see a little sans. I quickly run to mom and dad's room. And I saw the same thing. I then opened the room that undine and alfis and mettaton were in. They were all little.
"Umm guys we have a problem!" I yell. Chara runs down the hall along with azzy and Monster kid.
"Frisk what's the problem?" Monster kid askeds.
"There all kids!" I say with grate worry in my voice.
"WHAT!"they yelled in confusion
"Shhh." I say to quiet them. "There asleep." I say.
Sudinly Chara grabs my arm. "Frisk emirgency shopping trip. They need clothes." I node in agreement.
"Ok boys wach the kids were going to by them so cloths. Bye" I said as me left

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