chapter 4

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Noone commented any good names for the purple squid girl. So the purple one is going to be called ursala.

No-ones p.o.v.

All the kids were up and companing about how they were hungry.
"I'll cook!" Lil undine yelled.
"NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO." Frisk, Chara, asreal and Monster kid yells knowing how that would turn out.
"Asreal and kufu you to make brecfust." Frisk said pointing to the kichin. The to of them went to the kichin. Asreal was blushing becauses of the hot girl with him (get it hot because she's a fire monster. No I'll go now)
"Hay uh kufu. Can you get the backen from the freezer? Please." Asreal asked politely. And with that she opens the freezer and got the backen out, and emedeutly un thoued it. And that's en asreal got a stupid plan. About 5 minutes later asreal was useing her to speed cook things.
Soon all the kids had eaten brecfust and wanted to go to the park. Well most of them but Chara thought it would be good for them to go do that so they went to the park

(Time skip broght to you by my birthday. Happy birthday to me.)

Lil undines p.o.v.

I just got done kicking human ass at basketball wen I saw alfis siting under a tree curled up in a ball. I walked over to her and saw she had a black eye and some bruses. Her glasses were broken and she was couching her wrist with tears in her eyes.
"Alf what's Rong?" I ask consurnd for my best friend/crushes safety.
"I-i-i was r-redin-ing m-my ma-manga-a and s-some kids c-came-ame over a-and started to-o-o h-h-hit-it me a-and." "Shh shh it's ok Alf let's go get uncle azzy." I cut her off to comfort her. I helped her stand and I walked over to uncul azzy who was watching sans and Papyrus.
"Uncle azzy Alf is hurt." I said and he looked over and started to panic. After 5 minutes of stupid canoeing we were in the car going to the hospital.

Clif hanger.

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