Chapter 22: You Only Came for The Food, Didn't you?

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Our last day in Paris had been uneventful, but in now ways not romantic. We roamed the beautiful city together, hand in hand, arm in arm. We stopped by several sights, took many pictures(especially on Magnus's part), and shared several kisses. Before we knew it, it was time to leave this beautiful city to travel to the next one, which Magnus refuses to tell me. It's become a regular thing to this point. He says he just wants to keep it a surprise, yet it's just odd stepping trough a portal not knowing where I'll end up. In the end we ended up in the living room of our luxurious hotel waiting on the portal to be ready, and another one of Isabelle's letters; they always arrive around this time. "So how do you feel about Isabelle planning our 'wedding,'" he said while he was setting up the portal.

"I swear if she's really going along with this I'm going to slam my head into that wall. Sure, I love you but just marriage in not an option at the moment. She's my sister, I love her, bit sometimes she just does things that make me regret not pushing her out a window whenever I had the chance." Magnus silently chuckled.

"She has good intentions though, you have to give her credit for that."

"Yeah, I guess, but I might just go through a metal breakdown if this keeps going on." Apparently that was the cue for the letters to start rolling in. There were two of them this time, so Izzy must've gotten someone else on this crazy planning scheme of hers. Magnus passed the letters to me and I ripped open the first one I got. The first one was from Simon, I was afraid what Izzy had done to the poor guy.

Dear Alec and Magnus

I know we're not really close, but Isabelle just came by to drop off a pleated orange velvet tux that she claims I will be wearing to your wedding. Is this true, and I'd so, why orange?


"Oh no, she's really going along with this. She's even gotten poor Simon involved now." I was repeatedly running my hands through my hair and fumbling with my dark red sweater(which Magnus had gotten me), both nervous habits I've developed over the years. "Oh by the angle no." Since even Simon was asking about our "marriage" I was really nervous to see that Izzy had sent me.

Dear Alec and Magnus

This is the first postcard of five. Don't freak out or anything, but I need you to send me $150,000 to cover the cost of:

1)Two diamante crowns

2)20 peacocks

3)300 chocolate lollipops in the shape of your head

4)My dress

5)500 lbs of glitter

6)One white horse

(More to come in other cards)


I didn't think it was possible for it to get worse, I was clearly proved wrong. I passed the letters to Magnus so he could see why I was so distressed. My hair must've been a mess considering how many time I ran my hands through it, and I've started to make a larger whole out of an existing one in my sleeve. He grabbed both of my hands and pulled them up to his chest. "Darling, it's going to be okay. Calm down, everything is going to be alright."

"No Magnus, it's not. She's really going along with this plan of hers. She's my sister and I love her but I swear I'm going to have a mental breakdown if she doesn't stop. I-I'm not ready for this. I'm not even legal to drink yet, how can she be planning this already? She probably has good intentions, but times like this I fail to see them. And look at all the people she's dragged in-" Magnus cut me off my pulling me into a hug and started tracing runes on my arms, which was surprisingly calming.

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