Chapter 10- Did...did this just happen?

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~Hermione's view~

At 5 minutes till 7, I stepped down from the Gryffindor tower through the common room and towards the painting of Sir Edmund. I was wearing a grey jersey with a single black wolf print on it over my dark purple tank top and wore dark blue jeans and random black slip-on shoes.

 (The change in clothes was because I may have accidentally spilled my drink on myself at tea.)

I had a shoulder bag with me which held as many books as I was able to cram inside, a little help was given with an extinction charm to make it bigger on the inside. I saw the silvery knight and went up to him greeting him with a smile.

"Hi Edmund, is Dragon here yet?" I asked taking a quick glance around and then thought he might already be inside.

"I'm afraid not my lady, are you expecting his presence soon?" he asked. his metal painted armor made little clinks as he moved to lean on his sword

I gave him a nod and a small sigh 

"Yeah, I am. He should be here" she takes a quick glance around but the hallway stayed bare "we are meant to be studying for he next task together. This was our meeting place" she said looking back at him and gave a hum of thought. "do you know of any useful ways to protect your yourself from say...a dragon?" she asked a little hopeful

the knights sword made a clinking sound as it hit the ground within the picture frame and he  placed his metal hands to the sides of his metal helmet as if in surprise and horror.


I gave another nod and glanced at the ceiling and hesitated a little on my next words think of how to word this.

"well...actually. our next task it to..take its egg ut we will be giving it back if we survive. promise!" she said the last part a little quickly. she didn't want to offend him already knowing he had a positive history with a dragon rather than the usual kidnapping and frying of princesses and knights. Sir Edmund might be the knight version of Hagrid when it comes to dragons.

it was the knights turn to give a nod "well let me think..." it went quiet for a couple seconds then he shouted "haha! under a dragons wing. no matter what kind of dragon it has a soft patch so their wings can move a bit more freely but if you were to hit it the result would be effective"

"thank you! that will definitely come in handy" I gave him a grateful smile then went up and hugged the portrait. In the muggle world I would be called weird but here in the magic world, it's a little less weird... I hope.

He gave a surprised sound and his armor clanked as if he was about to fall over. "if I was not in the portrait would have given you a hug back my lady"

"its alright. your my friend. this is a thank you" I replied then gave a quick kiss on the metal cheek of the helmet then stepped back and moved the book bag back over my shoulder because it was starting to fall off.

"you are just like my princess Sarah...maybe you are the reincarnation of my love," he said and gave a bow " I would never doubt you being royalty my princess" 

suddenly long arms wrapped around my waist and a chin were rested atop my head and I gave a little squeak of surprise but I was held in place and the voice of the snake was suddenly heard.

"sorry Edmund, you cant have her because she already belongs to me" he said with his usual 'im a pureblood bow before me peasant' voice. 

"ferret?" I asked throwing the little questions at him as I tried unwrapping his arms from around me but he tightened them still grinning at the gobsmacked knight.

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