Chapter 3: The Other Women

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It's not thirty seconds later before Mary calls me. "So I take it the pizza was a hit?" I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Stow it. So, New York?"

I hear her tapping on her keyboard, "Actually, it would be a Godsend for you to go to New York. The studio PR really wants you to attend a meeting about the premier of Misfits – apparently it's getting Oscar buzz so they want to make sure you are present and participating in the premiere."

I groan, "Okay. You come with me. I'll show up, make nice, but you work out the details."

"Fine, I can do that. Also, Leo will be in New York Wednesday through Friday, so it would be a perfect time to meet and talk about the little movie you two are cooking up."

Hmmmmm, it's my first co-producing project with Leonardo DiCaprio. It's a big deal, for both of us. The screenwriter came to me, but I took it to Leo because I think he is the perfect lead. He agreed and wanted to produce as well. So we are sharing – it's new for both of us.

"By the way, he sent over a list of names he wants to screen for the female lead. Do you want to guess who was at the top?"

"No telling. Meryl Streep?"

She laughs so hard she snorts, "No, silly. Your girl Dakota is on the top of the list. He marked her as number 1. He gave me two other names, but numbered them 24 and 25. Does that tell you what he's thinking?"

"Tells me he understands the story. She is perfect for it. Young, vulnerable, yet sassy."

"Jamie, I don't mean to get too personal, but think this through. If she does this, she will be doing love scenes with him. Leo. Leonardo DiCaprio. Can you honestly stand by and watch that?"

I pull into my driveway and throw the car in park with more force than necessary. "It's work, Mary. We see it every day. They call it acting."

Walking to my door, my mood sours quickly. Mary back pedals, "First, let me say I think Dakota is perfect for the role. Second, let me say, that even more importantly I think Dakota is perfect for you. Because of that, I want you to walk into this with your eyes open and remember it's just acting. If you can't do that, you need to pass on this project because your personal life is more important."

I toss my keys to the kitchen island and flop on my sofa. "Done. I've got this. So, meeting with studio PR and Leo, anything else we can take care of while we're there?"

She taps some more, "Well, Tom Ford wants you to wear his clothes for your next event. It would be a nice move to stop in for a visit." She taps some more, "Are you really done with modeling? Because there is some serious potential for you...."

I laugh out loud, "That's a big fat NO, Mary. No more modeling. I'll wear their clothes, but I'm not posing for anybody anymore."

She tsks, "Shame. Okay, I'll score you some free suits, you just have to make sure you mention who you're wearing."

"Book us wherever Dakota is staying."

There is a pregnant pause, "With all due respect, I don't think that is a good idea."

"And why is that?"

"Because it screams desperate stalker, Jamie! You just met her. You just had your first date. You're going to serendipitously show up in New York while she is there and just happen to be staying in her hotel? No, just no. Bad move. Stay close, but not in her hotel."

Good advice. I don't want to look desperate, or like a stalker. "Okay, Obi Wan, what do you suggest?"

"Well, she usually stays at the Bowery, so I'll book us at The Edition. It's close enough, but far enough – and very trendy. Trust me."

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