Niam-Part Two: The News

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Hi Lovelies here's the second part of Niam! Hope you enjoy! I do my best to update every day for you guys:) Tell me what you think!


“Look, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems,” Harry said wearily as Niall slammed the door behind him. The four of them were all in Niall, Liam, and Zayn’s flat now, waiting anxiously for Liam’s arrival. It was 9:25.

“Are you shitting me,” Louis swore loudly, “it was a storm. Liam couldn’t have just hung up because he felt like it, that’s not what Liam does. He doesn’t leave you hanging. Let’s face it, something happened and we need to do something right away. Call the ambulance, or the police, or whatever, tell them to search the road Liam was on. There’s only one highway he could’ve taken out of this place.”

“Maybe he had to hang up because it was dangerous and he had to urgently turn or something,” Harry offered, always trying to calm them down.

“He would’ve called back,” Louis retorted and they all fell silent for a few minutes, all of them wondering the worst.

“That’s it,” Zayn stood up, his brows furrowed, “I’m calling an ambulance. There’s no ignoring it now, something happened to Liam. We can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“Go ahead,” Harry sighed. “Not much else we can do.”

“We can go out and find him,” Niall said quietly. He was oddly subdued the whole time they were talking. His eyes teared up guiltily. “It’s all my fault,” he whispered.

“No, mate, none of us could’ve predicted what happened. It’s not your fault,” Zayn reassured, patting his roommate on the shoulder. He then turned to his phone and dialed.

The storm raged furiously outside. Niall sat down on his bed and felt something squish under him. He looked down to find the box of pizza, now soggy and cold, and the burger that Liam had gotten for him. He instantly felt a wave of guilt and regret. “I barely even thanked him,” he commented. 

Louis and Harry settled down on either side of him. 

“Can’t think about the past now,” Louis said. “We can only wait to see if we get any updates about anything on that highway.”

“Okay, thank you,” Zayn said into the phone and hung up. “They’re going to send people to search the highway we think Liam was most likely on. There will be updates soon enough. Now there’s nothing to do but wait.”

Waiting was indeed the hardest part. All of them fidgeted uncomfortably, but Niall was by far the worst. Sweat gathered above his upper lip and unconsciously bit his nails nervously. “My fault,” he repeated, breathing rapidly. 

Zayn ruffled Niall’s hair and sat down at the foot of the bed. “Don’t feel guilty, none of us saw this coming. Liam wouldn’t have wanted you to be like this.”

“Like I said, we should go find him, not damn sitting here when he could be dying for Christ’s sake!” Niall exploded. He leapt to his feet. 

“We can’t go anywhere,” Harry pointed out reasonably. “You can’t see further than half a meter in front of your face. We’re going to get involved in another accident and Liam wouldn’t have wanted that. We can only wait and like he always said, ‘don’t panic, do what you need to do, but leave what you can’t control to time.’ Besides, we’re still not sure if he was in an accident or his connection was cut off or anything. Don’t be too quick to assume he’s dying, that’s a bit far fetched, Nialler.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” Niall sat down again but in a matter of seconds he was up and pacing, looking more worried than ever. 

“Let’s cook him some dinner so when he gets back he has a nice meal to come home too,” Zayn suggested calmly, glancing at Harry and Louis. The two of them nodded. What Niall needed was a distraction. 

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