Niam- Part Three: The Hospital

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Hi Lovelies here's the next Niam! Enjoy!


“He...he’s not...he’s not d...” Niall couldn’t even complete his sentence. He was stuttering, eyes wide, sweat matting his hair to his forehead, as he followed Zayn, Harry, and Louis to Harry’s car in the parking lot underground. 

“He’s not dead,” Zayn replied shortly. He seemed to be pretty shaken as well, though he didn’t show it. “He was the one out of the three who is alive...but...” 

“Barely,” Louis thought he had to give Niall the truth now. He deserved to know what happened to Liam. “He’s in bad condition and the doctors aren’t sure they can save him. He’s on the way to the nearest hospital now. That’s where we’re going.”

“God what have I done?” Niall gaped. “I nearly killed him!” 

“It’s not your fault,” Harry reassured in his slow, deep voice. “What’s best now is to remain calm and go see Liam. He can’t see you cry, understand? It won’t be good for him.”

“I won’t cry,” Niall promised, though he was biting his trembling lip, his eyes still a bit damp. 

Zayn got the three of them into the car and Harry took the wheel, backing out of the parking space. As soon as they got outside Niall’s eyes widened. Harry wasn’t exaggerating a few hours ago when he said that they wouldn’t be able to see what was two meters in front of them. The rain was so hard they could only see a wall of torrential water and not even the road. Wind buffeted trees this way and that, and it howled loudly and frighteningly. 

Harry gritted his teeth and grasped the wheel more tightly, although his palms were sweating. His knuckles went white from the effort. “It’s suicide to drive in this condition,” he confirmed. “I can’t go anywhere.”

“The hospital people want at least someone there, so we might as well all go,” Louis said. “Might not be the smartest decision but can any one of us stand staying in the flat knowing that Liam could be dead any second?”

All of them fell silent. None of them could stay home when Liam was in the hospital. All they could do now was to put faith into Harry’s driving skills, though Harry didn’t seem all that sure of himself at the moment. 

They crawled onto the road at a painstakingly slow speed. 

“Hurry the hell up!” Niall finally exploded. “Liam could be dead by the time we get there, we need to hurry!”

“Would you shut your mouth?” Harry stopped the car by the road and shot a venomous glare over his shoulder. Louis, who was sitting beside him, put an arm on Harry’s shoulder. Harry shook it off. “If I drive any faster we’ll be in an accident, do you want that?”

Niall shook his head hurriedly, though Zayn knew it was killing him, literally, to have to sit through this while he was imagining everything that Liam could be going through in the hospital at the moment. Finally Niall burst into tears, burying his head into Zayn’s shoulder. 

“Better here than at the hospital,” Louis told Harry when Harry looked like he was going to shout again.

Zayn murmured soothing words into Niall’s ear, putting an arm around the Irish boy’s shoulders. “It’s going to be okay,” he kept repeating, though he wasn’t sure of the words himself. 

Nearly an hour passed before Harry stopped the car. The surroundings didn’t look any different from when they first pulled out of the parking lot, since all they could see was rain the whole journey anyways. It wasn’t much different here. “We’re here,” Harry announced. All of them didn’t even bother to hide their sighs of relief. Harry turned around to face Niall.

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