-The Party- 1

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-Tord's pov-

It was finally Friday. But saddly, I was working on my homework that I had to finish by Monday. I was sitting at a small wooden desk/table that was located in tom and I's dorm.
Working on a math problem that I totally did not get. I was getting stressed.

"Hey Tord. Would you like to come to a party with me, matt, and edd? It's going to be fun." Tom said, sitting on his bed while looking at his phone talking to me.

"I'm working on homework.."

"Com'on tord. Your so lame."

"I'm not lame if I want to graduate school!" I growled, "Maybe you should do the same, you wouldn't want to work at McDonald's would you?"

Tom glanced up at me, and growled. "Stop being a smart ass! You're always in this damn dorm, stressing about school! Lighten up! Just be happy I invited you, I wasn't originally planning to ask you."

I look at my homework, then to tom. He was right.. I needed to get outside, and not stress. But- I'm not good at talking to people, or going into crowded places. I have small panic attacks sometimes, that's why I always ask a teacher if I could go the restroom to calm down. My friends don't know this, and it's best if they don't know. Edd will be concerned, Matt would tell everyone, and tom.. he would just make fun-of me and use it against me. "Look tom, I-.. I can't." He was still looking up at me, as he just sighed.

"Fine." He said, as he got up and walked to the door. He then opened the door, edd and matt where there. "If you don't wanna come, then we will force you." Tom chuckled, as edd grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the dorm. I kicked around, but Matt got a hold of my legs and they carried me off to the party. Tom following behind.

-Time Skip-

They let go of me, and I got to my feet. "WHAT THE HELL GUYS!! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO COME!" My voice cracked when I yelled at them, they all laughed at me. Which made me embarrassed, so I just got into 'quite mode'. "Oh com'on tord, This will be fun. I promise!" Edd said, smiling at me. I just looked down and quietly said "Okay.."

"Damn, he's being quite again." Tom said, "He will open up!" Edd said looking at tom. "Now come on! I want to see if they have cola, I'm thirsty."

Edd walked in, as we all followed behind him. It was dark in the dorm, as neon lights flashed around. Songs where playing, and you can hear so much people talk. It was crazy!! Everyone was taller than me, I'll get lost!! I tryed to stay by edd, but.. I got knocked away from him. At this point.. I couldn't see any of my friends. I began to have a small panic attack, so I ran  back outside. I sighed in relief. Like I said, I.Hate.Parties.

I saw a blond guy, who was much taller than me, following along was a brown hair guy. They are known has Alex and lucas. The bullies. I looked at them as Alex walked up, and bumped into me making me fall, "Get out of the way, looser." He said, lucas just laughed, and followed alex. As they went inside. I sat up, and just sat there. I think he left a bruse.... I started tearing up. I tryed to stop crying, but I couldnt. I wonder if the guys are looking for me. If edd was worried, if Matt was talking to pretty girls, or guys.. he's bisexual. And I wonder if tom is getting drunk as hell. Have I even crossed any of their minds? I sigh, crying more. I heard the door open, and I look up, it was edd.

"T-tord?! What's wrong!?" Edd asked, sitting by me, and comforting me.

"I-i don't want to be here." I said,

"... Do you have small panic attacks?"

"H-how did you. K-know?"

"I know my friends. I'll just round up tom and matt, and we can all hang out at my dorm. Sound good?"

"N-no! Let them party. I'll go back to my dorm and study."

Edd looked at me concerned, "Want me to come?"

I thought about it, but shook my head 'No'. "I'll be fine."

He nodded at me, and helped me up. He hugged me- "Don't be afraid to talk to me. Okay?"


I walked off to my dorm, I had my hands in my hoodies pocket. I just looked down, I can't believe edd knew. I'm such a looser leaving the party.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, of a new story! I'll update it soon!!

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