Frost and Ice

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"Urrghh!!" Gray fell to the ground as Frost threw him into the grass with his tail, landing lightly in a nearby forest clearing.

Frost chuckled as he flexed a hand and popped his neck. "Very suitable.. this will do nicely for me to play thoroughly with you.."

Gray glared at Frost, standing up slowly. "So... this is all a game to you huh? You may not actually be the one who killed Pumkin's parents.. but  you're definitely despicable enough to be.."

Frost chuckled. "Oh my.. so she's THAT Saiyan then? The apprentice of Caulifla, that punk rebellious saiyan from my Universe? No wonder she has such a delinquent air to her.. "

"Your Universe?" muttered Gray.

"Of course you wouldn't understand." said Frost. "After all.. to you Earthlings, this planet is the center of the universe, and nothing else matters.. this makes what I'm about to do to you all the more well deserved." 

Frost smiled. "Perhaps I should show you... exactly how inferior you Earthlings are! Allow me to show you.. my Assault Form!!"

There was an explosion of light.. and Frost emerged from it.. his body transformed. He was now larger.. with broader shoulders and more powerful looking bio armor,  his head had elongated back while his nose had disappeared, giving his head a Xenomorph-like appearance.

 with broader shoulders and more powerful looking bio armor,  his head had elongated back while his nose had disappeared, giving his head a Xenomorph-like appearance

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"ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE YOU!! TO TRUE TERROR!!" Frost leaped into the air and moved at astounding speed, firing red energy beams from his fingers. "CHAOS SHOT!!"

Gray put his fist into his palm in his signature magic usage. "ICE MAKE SHIELD!!"

A large shield of ice conjured up before Gray as the powerful red finger beams exploded into it with deadly force. 

"Defense won't save you!!" Frost roared.

Frost disappeared in a burst of speed and reappeared behind Gray in an instant.

"Th-that speed!" Gray stammered.

"YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!" Frost let out a vicious constant scream as he fired another barrage of Chaos Shots from his finger tips.

Gray conjured up another Ice shield behind him just in time, and jumped into the air. "ICE MAKE! CAGE!!!"

A giant cage made of ice landed on top of Frost, trapping him within as Gray stood on top of it.

"As if THAT will hold me!" Frost exclaimed. "YA YA!!"

Frost fired two uniquely powerful Chaos Shots from his fingers, and blasted the bars of the cage apart before jumping out and turning around quickly, firing more quick beams at Gray, who was forced to jump off.

"Ice Make!" Gray began, putting his knuckle to his fist again.

"Nuh-uh-uh..." Frost said, smirking as he appeared behind Gray, his tail whipping around his throat. "Not right now.. oh me.. oh my.."

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