A Different Reason to Cry

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A Different Reason to Cry

(A short AU story I created to screw with my emotions)

(Important note that I will quote the book sometimes so not all of this is mine)

*Augustus' POV*

I was relaxing in my bed, my ear buds loudly exploding Hectic Glow into my ears. I couldn't help but smile and think about Hazel Grace. Everything about her was perfect, even her imperfections. I thought about her cancer. I didn't consider it a part of her. It was basically the enemy living on the inside. And you couldn't help but give it the power to kill you, unless you kill part of yourself first. I am pretty sure my lost leg could testify of that.

Sometimes I'm afraid it will come back because everyone loves me, especially cancer. Thankfully my check up yesterday said I was all clear still and my next appointment was in 3 months. So I am still okay. For now.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing loudly on my nightstand. I looked at my clock and couldn't help be concerned as it read 4:32 a.m. I was bit of an insomniac, but when cancer takes away your time to live, you might as well be awake for the most of it.

I looked at the caller ID and my heart stopped for what seemed like forever. It was Hazel Grace's mother. With shaking fingers, I answered it and raised the phone to my ear.

A shaky voice answered on the other end. "Gus...something is wrong with Hazel. She's in the ICU right now and we don't know what's wrong but-"

"Which hospital? I will be there soon." I cut her off.

She gave me the information and hung up shortly after, starting to sob again. I left a poorly written note to my parents to stay where I was and got in my car and drove above the speed limit all the way there.

I ran into the hospital, well limped very clumsily as fast as I could, breathing heavily when I was in the elevator. I couldn't help but feel trapped with in my own thoughts as crappy elevator music tried to soothe me. I got off on the level for the ICU and the first thing I could hear was the crying. I always hated the ICU.

I searched for Hazel Grace which didn't take long as I saw her parents quietly trying to comfort each other in front of a door to a room. I was quickly hugged by them, their tears staining my shirt and mine on theirs. I don't remember when I started crying.

"Sorry Gus, they won't let us in right now." Her mom said in a hushed tone.

I nodded, understanding. Infection risk. I turned to her dad who was crying still. "Do you know what is wrong?"

They looked at each other for a bit before he answered back. "She woke up screaming with a bad headache, very extreme, most likely from not enough oxygen. They recently did a scan on her and said her lungs were very full and…" Mr. Lancaster paused for a second seeming to be overcome with emotions.

Mrs. Lancaster jumped in shortly for him. "She doesn't have tumor growth but they are staying the same."

I nodded, not phased by Mr. Lancaster's pause. I waited patiently in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, just needing to see a glance or even a word from Hazel Grace. I needed her.

*Hazel's POV ~ Time period jump to when she finds out she is going to Amsterdam*

"What?" I asked again.

"Trip's on," she said finally. "Dr. Maria called us last night and made a convincing case that you need to live your -"

"MOM, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I shouted and she came to the bed and let me hug her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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