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          Batman quickly slung the unconscious teen over his shoulder and signaled the Bat Mobile. In an instant, his tricked-out car pulled up to the alley entrance. The Bat jumped in, laying Danny in the seat next to him before the Bat Mobile raced away.

          The Dark Knight set the control to auto pilot as he took out some gauze from his utility belt. He then expertly wrapped some around the boy's side before doing the same to his. As he worked, the dark man thought back to the fight the fifteen-year-old put up. The kid's amazing . . . possibly better than all the Robins I've trained. His fighting style is so unique; it's something I've never seen before. He obviously has some sort of acrobatic skill with that flip. And his punch . . . As he thought, he subconsciously rubbed his broken ribs. That punch contained strength no fifteen-year-old in his condition should be able to throw. 

          By this time, the Bat Mobile arrived at the Bat Cave, the auto pilot pulling the car in its parking spot. The Bat grabbed Danny, gently carrying the boy's limp frame in his arms.

          "Alfred!" Bruce called, answered by the appearance of the loyal butler.

          "You called Master Bru-," the old man started, cutting himself short at the sight of Danny. "Oh my. I'll be right back," he stated before rushing off.

          Batman carried the raven-haired teen to the medical bay, his black cape swishing behind him silently. A minute later, he was in a dark room lit by a lone spotlight, a few computer screens, and different colored buttons. A plain bed lay in the center, Alfred rolling up behind it with a tray of medical supplies.

          The Dark Knight quickly and gently laid the unconscious teen on the bed, stripping his hoodie and shirt off for proper bandaging. But what he was faced with made both Alfred and Bruce's hearts stop cold.

          Scars. So, so many scars. They ran in all possible directions on all visible parts of his skin. Some were old, newer ones crossing over them, but all were deep. But what really caught the dark man's attention and concern was the haphazardly-stitched "Y" stretching over his chest.

          What the two noticed next was his broken ribs. The ribs should have been purple, blue, and, well, broken. Instead, it was purple with a tinge of green, and, although damaged severely, was healing. Not at rapid speeds equal to the Flash, but still faster than the average human.

          Batman stole a look at Alfred, who was frowning deeply as a single tear traced the old man's cheek. Then, before his waterworks started, the Dark Knight started repairing the stitches.

          After about half an hour of bandages, stitches, and binds, Batman and Alfred finished repairing and restraining the injured teen, and just in time.


Phantom was high in the night sky, the stars twinkling above him as the moon shone like a spotlight. He spotted several constellations and planets as Amity zoomed underneath the young ghost. The halfa closed his eyes, spreading his arms and smiling widely as he felt the gentle breeze ruffle his already messy pearl-white hair.

There had been a lack of ghost attacks that evening, Dash got a fever (resulting in a whammy and wedgie absence), and he had a date with Sam tomorrow. It had been a good day for the teen hero. Combine that with the clear sky and full moon, and Phantom had a perfect night for flying.

          The young ghost dipped and swerved effortlessly and gracefully in the crisp night air, engrossed in the moment. This, however, would be his downfall, unbeknownst to him.

Broken Ghost (A Danny Phantom, Young Justice, and Batman Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now