Chapter 5: The Joys of Teleportation

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A/N: Sorry about the long breaks in between updates! Anyway, here is the chapter. If you want you can tell me if you want a Damien,  or Angel pov for next time.


Angels pov

  When I started to wake up the first thing that I noticed was that I was very uncomfortable and had a bad headache. I rolled over, opening my eyes.... to some grass. Well this isn't my room... I thought. Then I remembered what had happened the night before. Or was it the night before? How long was I even asleep for? I sat up quickly, but got a head rush and had to sit back down. I looked around and saw that I was in a familiar grassy field. But that didn't make any sense... if the demon had 'saved' me then I should be in a hell somewhere in a dark and dirty cell.

   However,  I wasn't in a cell. So I think that I can safely assume that the demon who saved me has brain damage. I stood up shakily, I really needed to stop passing out. Every time I wake up I have a lot of questions, or life threatening issues... and headaches. Now I have to decide what I should do next, again. But first, I should probably find out where I am. So I brought my attention to the field that I was standing in. Hmmm it seemed so familiar. Oh I remember! It was the place that angels usually teleport to when they leave heaven. I say usually because it was possible to teleport other places on earth (like I did) but we normally came here. It was curious that I haven't seen any angels around here, or earth. It was strange because I was the archangel's daughter and I had dissappeared so... I'm not trying to sound snotty, but I would expect a lot of angels to be looking for me.

   Anyway, what was I thinking about? Oh right, I was deciding what to do. I could teleport back to heaven. Or I could hang out on earth for awhile. I preferred the second option,  but it was incredibly irresponsible and besides heaven was the safest place for me to be. Then why did I feel disappointed? Maybe it was because this was the first taste of true freedom that I had had for... well my whole life.

   I had a small chance. And I really wanted to make the most of it. So that was what I would do. Even if I was tempting fate, it was my first chance to make my own decisions and see the world for what it was, not what people showed me. Besides, I haven't seen any angels looking for me, so maybe I could stay away for a few days without being caught. Hmmm speaking of getting caught, I wonder if I will be able to avoid being captured by demons.... Well no time like the present to find out. With that thought in mind, I teleported to the first place I thought of. Which happened to be Paris.

   Since I had never been to Paris, I just thought of the Eifell tower and teleported to it. It was night time in Paris,  which was I good thing, because I hadn't been a specific as I should have when I teleported. I had accidentally appeared beside (italic) the tower and at the top too! So I let out my wings and glided to the tower, or else my insides would have been splattered against the pavement below . That had been incredibly careless, I could have been seen! And I still might.

   So I flew back down to earth and walked around Paris. There were still a few shops open. I found a decent looking coffee shop, and stepped inside to find a good place to sit. The person working there was a guy, so I, ahm, charmed him into giving me a free hot coco. I sat on a chair that was in the most secluded spot that I could find, the corner.

   I leaned my head against the wall and sipped my coco, trying to savoir it as long as possible. I brushed my hair away from my face as I heard the small jingle that indicated that the door to the shop was being opened. I felt a small twinge that told me that supernatural creatures were entering the shop. I looked at the door to see who, rather what, was coming in. Well it figured.  There were now two demons entering the small coffee shop. I turned around to look for a fire exit or a back door, but there was norhing exept for the front door. That was guarded by the demons - who were now staring at me.

   Well, I thought, they probably wouldn't attack me in front of a human. And I was right... in a way. The male walked up to the human and punched him in the face, knocking him out. Then both of them stalked towards me. I really didn't want to fight... until I had to dodge a fireball. So I got annoyed and shot white fire at them. And teleported back to heaven. 

   When I got back, I appeared inside my room. It was the first place that I thought of. I was very disappointed. I had only been free for a day! But then again, what was I supposed to expect? A vacation? Still, reality kicked in much faster than I wanted it to. Anyway, back to the present. I should probably inform my father about demons. I took a step towards the door, then I decided that I didn't want to walk around the entire kingdom to get to his office. So I envisioned the office and teleported. Everything went black for a moment, but it was worth it. Within seconds I was there. Ahhhh the joys of teleportation.

   My father's office was completely orderly, as usual. The only thing missing was my father himself. I suppose that he could be in the training facility so I teleported there. And there was no one there either, and I am not kidding when I say that there were always people in the training facility. This was just weird. So I teleported to the kitchens, where the cooks and maids normally hung out. Lucky for me there were a few angels there. But when I looked over to them to ask where everyone was, I saw that their jaws had dropped. Okay I know I was missing for awhile, but it didn't mean that they had to go into shock.

   "Do you know where everyone is? The kingdom is unusually empty and I need to speak with my father." My voice was polite, but the underlying tone was assertive. I needed to know what was going on.

   One of the cooks spoke up, "miss, your father... well he went to hell to look for you." Oh great, they think I've been taken by demons. Well it was almost true... anyway I don't have time for this! So I teleported out of heaven without another word. I needed to fix this mess.

   I had never teleported to hell before, so the effect was similar to the Paris trip. The main issue was that I didn't have a clear idea of where I was going. So I ended up in a boiling hot desert in the middle of nowhere. Then I took a few steps forward and saw that I was outside a city made of black stone. Hmmmm it seemed that they had a veil over their kingdom, because that city wasn't there a minute ago. Well that was unfortunate, because when I was outside the veil I hadn't seen the demon gaurds on the other side. I tried to save myself using teleportation, but I couldn't. Oh no, what did I do?

   The demons grabbed me an brought me through their kingdom and into an office. Well, I suppose that brought is too mild a word. They dragged me through the kingdom, and threw me into the office. In fact I nearly cracked my head open on the heavy black marble desk. I kept trying to teleport, but nothing happened. I couldn't believe my foolishness in coming here. Now who knows what would happen to me.

   Anyway, back to the office. The gaurds had put some kind of special handcuffs on me that prevented me from attacking them with my powers. Along the way through the castle (which was almost exactly like heaven, only a lot darker and was full of demons) the gaurds told a messenger to get the devil. And it didn't take very long for him to get here. The devil strutted into the office, basking in triumph. I stood sullenly in between the two demons who were ensuring that I couldn't run away. Although,  I had to admit that I was curious about what the devil looked like. I grew up listening to stories abput him - many told by my mother. He had black hair and black eyes, everything about him was dark exept for his skin, he was so pale. But it only drew attention to his eyes and hair. In fact he looked a bit like someone that I had seen before... I just couldn't remember who.

   "Well well well, it appears that we now have some leverage. " The devil sayed, with a wicked grin on his face. "I would like my son to escort this... thing to the dungeons. Someone, go fetch him, now!" He snapped. The gaurd to my left run off to do the devils bidding and the second gaurd stayed put. Now that the other demon was gone, I was left with only the devil and gaurd 2. So I thought that it was probably my best chance of escape.

   I even managed to get out the door and nearly down the hall before I crashed into someone, causing us both to fall. And because of my clumsiness - and whoever was currently on the ground with me, I would be trapped in a dungeon. I heard the heavy footsteps of gaurd 2 approaching, he grabbed my arm and forced me to my feet. Now I was facing the demon who I had fallen onto who was brushing the dust off his black clothes, and almost gasped aloud in shock. He was the one who saved me in New York!

   The devil laughed again, "Damien, you are just in time to take the prisoner to her cell." Wait, wasn't Damien the name of the devils son?!

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