1:No fighting in here!

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Alexandra's POV

"That dude over there is totally wasted, watch out." I warned Lily as I got back behind the counter and set down the tray with empty glasses on it. It is almost 2am now which means that our shifts will be over soon and we can go back home. I can get in my not-so comfy bed with cheap bedding but hey, I am so tired I could just sleep on the counter if there wasn't a possibility of me getting raped by drunk men. 

"No need, we can go home now. Monica and Lucy are here already so let's get out!" Lily cheered going in the back room and getting her bag. I chuckled at her. She's always kind of hyper and enthusiastic when she's tired. 

Just when we were about to go outside, I heard some men yelling and glasses being smashed. "Sounds like there's a fight going on." I said and walked over to the two guys that were trying to kill each other.

"No, Alex! Let's go home, they can deal with it themselves!" Lily called and came after me as I kept going faster. I pushed past the crowd that was around the two rivals and started to do something.

"Hey, hey! I said HEY!" I yelled as I tried to hold back the guy with curly hair. Some other guys held both of them back as I got between them. "Ok, listen up! NO fighting in here! Either go outside or kill each other silently, now calm the fuck down and get yourselves together, God damn it!" I yelled at the both of them.

"This is not over!" one of them yelled at the other as he stormed out of the bar. I rolled my eyes and turned to the guy with brown, curly hair and green eyes.

"Okay, well my job here is done. And you, if I catch you fighting here again, I will not be this nice anymore." I said to curls as he just rolled his eyes and walked away. I scoffed and went over to Lily who was still waiting outside the small crowd.

"What the hell was that? Why did you get involved?" she asked clearly angry at me.

"I don't like it when people fight at my workplace, okay? Plus, the curly one was cute and I didn't want his face to get ruined." I joked as Lily just laughed rolling her eyes playfully.

"You are unbelievable." she said and we both went back to our apartment to get some well-deserved rest.

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